Saturday, October 31, 2009

Photo Number Eleven

Uncle Ed 

This is Edwin F Morgan and this photo was taken by Linquist, Superior, Wis.   Along with this info someone wrote Uncle Ed 1904  on the back of one of the photos... Yes, I have two of of which has a ghost like impression of another photograph on the back of this heavy duty large card.. I suppose they were stored where it was warm. 

I cannot make out his pin on his lapel..he is very well dressed..I wonder if he was a Lawyer..or a Banker?? 
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*** Abra found him in a census at Duluth, Minnesota..he was a railroad clerk.  

Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo Number Ten

This is a good example of exposure times and what happens when the people "sitting" for the photograph move, the smallest child, the Mom holding the baby..note the rattle may be laying on the floor.  The little girl is holding a fuzzy doll in  her right hand..and the kitty on the floor.  Yes.. the kitty must have moved too!   This appears to have been taken in a house..I love the wall paper..perhaps it is a Grandma and Grandpa with their daughters and grandchildren.   I have no idea on the year.. any suggestions?   This photo is 3 1/2 inches square on a grey backing that is 5 inches square.  It has no marks or notations of any kind.

*** Abra, Pam and Norkio all date this photo as 1890. 

Photo Number Nine

Isn't this little one sweet?  I thought so, what makes this photo more special is the way in which it is presented.

What Grandma wouldn't want to display this picture holder  in some prominent spot in her home..I would hang it up with my calender.  I  have no idea on the date of this one.   It is mounted on a heavy grey colored it probably dates to sometime before 1920.  I have no idea what you would call this either..A Presentation Card?  A Hanging Card?  I will have to do some more research.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Photo Number Eight

This chubby little one made me smile, he or she is obviously a happy baby..I think perhaps it is a little girl..but you never really know.. years ago they dressed both boys and girls pretty much the same.  Possibly this is taken around 1925 or 1930?    It is a normal photo ( after 1920)  mounted in a heavy duty brown folder, without a frame.

Smiles were absent: I have been doing a little reading..about exposure times..some times the "sitter"  would be braced in place.  Movement caused a blurry photograph.  People are not smiling because they couldn't hold the smile for as long as the exposure took, and the Art of Dentistry was sadly lacking in the late 1800's and the early 1900's.  So far I have found one reference to a twenty second exposure at a minimum, with thirty seconds being common ..and some older photographic equipment taking up to a minute and a half.. someone said that people took sitting for a picture very was a matter of pride..and it was a special occasion, one that you made an appointment for and were very nervous about:)

Photo Number Seven

This photo must be from around is one of the few photos where someone is smiling.  She does look beautifully happy!  It was taken at Madisons Studio in Antigo, Wisc

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Photo Number Six

This is a cabinet card, named such because you would have displayed it in your cabinet, possibly in your front parlor.    I have been doing a little reading about how to date Cabinet Cards since there were a number of them in my box of forgotten photos.  Cabinet Cards are a little confusing, perhaps after I have dated at few of them things will become clearer, or not.   I found out that the Photographer T.M. Swem from Lima, Ohio  and who was in Missouri for a short time, had a studio in St Paul, Minnesota from 1882 to 1899.   In 1900 he relocated to Fargo, ND..he was on his way west and stopped to visit friends in Fargo and stayed for thirteen years before moving on to Medford, OR.

So although I know nothing else about this lady, I know she sat for a photo sometime between 1882 and 1899 in St Paul, Minnesota.  That is an eighteen year window on this one.   Perhaps her clothing, especially the really puffy sleeves and that "thingy" around her neck will give someone a clue.

Head and Shoulders shots.. Size of head is 1 1/2 inches wide ..equals 1866 to 1875
Embossed Studio Name ..equals 1890  to 1906
Single gold rule  1866-1880
Nothing was "Fitting" with this card.. until I found out the photographers info.

Cabinet Cards first appeared in the United States in 1866 , they are rarely used after 1906.
Thanks for visiting!  Stop by again sometime:)
Update: Pamela says : FICHU! It is a Fichu! Referring to the "thingy" around her neck! 

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Photo Number Five

From Werner To Otto
This is a tiny little photo, 1 1/2 inch by 1 1/4 inch.   The entire card only measures 4 inches by 2 3/4 inches.
Possibly a card made to trade at school??   From Werner to Otto is written in pencil on the back.
He looks to be about ten years old, all dressed up in his Sunday best.  I have two is ten and one is eight..the ten year old likes to dress up in a suit and tie!  This photo made me think of I will guess that he is around ten years old.. as to when this photo was taken.. maybe 1910??

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Photo Number Four

Meet the Davison's  Walt and Esther, they were married on November 04, 1920.   This photo comes from Raven Studio, Wadena, Minnesota.   How do you suppose they are related to Lucille from Photo Number Three who had her photo taken in Wisconsin?  *** Abra found out that Lucille is Walt's Niece.

The flowers look to be roses and mums,  the bride has on a beautiful necklace..I imagine that it is an Angel with it's wings spread.  Is it worth noting that the groom has no flower on his lapel, but he does have a very sporty looking bow tie:)
Update: This photo went full circle on July 02, 2010  Full Circle Seven:

Photo Number Three

What I know:  Her name is Lucille Davison, her parents were probably Bertha and Floyd.  The photography studio was Barney - St Croix Falls.( Possibly St Croix Falls, Wisconsin)

Is this a graduation photo?  How about ..the late 1940's?  I love the dress..or blouse?  The big lacing up effect ending in a huge bow.  Do you think she is a redhead?   Far Guy said "She could still be alive."  Yes, she could !  Wouldn't it be great if someone began to claim these photos..I can only hope:)
Update: This photo went full circle on July 02, 2010     Full Circle Seven:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Photo Number Two

Photographer : Helgesen, Lake Mills Iowa.  That is all I know for sure.
Brother and sister?  Possibly.  The little boy has a scar on his head, just to the right of his bangs.  This photo is on a heavy duty backing..I am not sure what to call it.  What do you think on the year?  1910?
Thanks for visiting!  Do come again:)
*** I did some research, this kind of card measuring 4 1/4 by 6 1/2 is called a Cabinet Card.   Cabinet Cards were in use by photographers from 1866 to 1906.  Some were still used into 1920..but not many.   See...  you can learn along with me!
**** Update Oct 28, 2009
This cabinet card is black on the front and grey on the back.. equals 1880 to 1890
Black Cards were used from 1877 to 1887
The clothing..especially on the little boy..may be the clue..I am still looking
*** Norkio thinks 1885.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photo Project: Photo Number One

This is my first unknown/ forgotten photo.   I have no idea who these people are, where they lived or what they did in their lives.  I only know their photos ended up in an antique shop..and I purchased them.

I have absolutely no idea where this blog is headed, but if you are here..reading and commenting..then I will keep ...keeping on.  Well to tell you the absolute truth, I will keep on ..because something tells me to.  Perhaps someone will recognize some of the people in these old photos.

Any and all input is welcome.  I will give all the info I have ..names and  the name and location of the Photography Studio.

What year do you suppose this was?  I will guess in the 1930's?  If you know of someone with a similar style wedding dress..then leave me a comment, so we can narrow down the year! **** Noriko says that her Grandmothers dress was similar..and she got married in 1927 or 1928. 

She was a beautiful bride..and I love her veil and flowers!  If you click on the photo it will enlarge!

Thanks for visiting!  Do come again! :)