Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photo Number 610

We will look at some Farm photos again, I have a number of them.
Harry Nordstrom Family Dassel MN
A Farm family or a family visiting relatives on a farm and stopping for a photo.  I am not sure what kind of building is behind them ..any reader input is welcome.  This looks like a 1950’s ( Corrected to 1942) photo to me.
Harry n Family
The Harry Nordstrom Family Dassel Minn

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Update: This is from Earl the little boy with the camera. 

This is a photo of my dad and Earl 11 years, Jim 9 years Dean 7 years and Marlyn at 5 years. The picture was taken around 1942, about the time our mother passed away. It was taken in the barn door that my dad Harry and uncle Elmer farmed. the farm is south of Dassel Mn. on the east shore of Pigeon lake

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Photo Number 609

Here are some more men. This photo is from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.

Four men DL Antiques

The man on the right might be the Grandpa, he is taking charge of the child..holding him still.  One of the men could be the boys father. I think this may be a photo from the late 1940’s.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Photo Number 608

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota. Another one of John’s 25 cent specials.
Brothers DL Antiques
Three brothers?  The photo was developed in LaCrosse Wisconsin.
Brothers back DL Antiques
I believe it says:
No. 6 
Sun Sept 3 1939
Taken at 5:20 PM
“Brotherly Love” of sweet old nature---
Sun side type

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Photo Number 607

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.

Women and child in the yard DL Antiques

Two women and a child in a yard someplace.  The lady on the left has a beautiful lace inset on the front of her dress and very lacy sleeves.   The other lady needs a little support or a sweater.  These dresses are longer so I will date them sometime in the late 1910’s or early 1920’s.

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Photo Number 606

Grant, Pat, Patty, Sonny, Pat's Mother DL Antiques

Line them up for a photo at the lake.  This is a photo from the antique shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

This photo is marked on the back.

“Grant, Pat, Patty, Sonny and Pat’s Mother”

Most likely it was taken in the 1930’s or the 1940’s.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Photo Number 605

This is another photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.  John thinks I am a great customer…and I probably am.

On the Delaware River

This one was marked “On the Delaware River.”  The elderly women are all dressed like my Grandmother used to dress in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s.  A cotton dress with the proper hose and shoes.

Did you notice that this group brought a box of Alka-Selzer?

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Photo Number 604

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.

Hebron Study Club DL Antiques

It was marked “Hebron Study Club.”  There are towns called Hebron and a Hebron it could be either.

I am not sure what is going on in this photo.  There seems to be a likeness of a person with arms outstretched around two of the ladies. 

Hebron Study Club DL Antiques

The ladies seem to be serving some kind of beverage?? This photo is more than likely from the 1940’s or 1950’s.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Photo Number 603

Well it is that time of year..time for a family to get together. We will look at a few groups this next week.

Generations Gathering

This may be a four generation photo.  No one looks real happy, not even the child with the kitten. This photo was more than likely taken in the late 1920’s or 1930’s.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Photo Number 602

This is another photo from the Antique Shop in Park Rapids.

Brother and Sister

Siblings, perhaps a brother and a sister, one is caged and one is free.  Free to stick her hands into the holes in her knees. 

This looks like a photo from the 1950’s.  My Mother used to hang dresses up in the doorway too after they were ironed.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Photo Number 601

This is another photo from Park Rapids.


A little boy I think. With personality!

Possibly a trio of photos to delight a Grandmother.

Car with  doors

Now we have the little boy and a shadow of the picture taker. Perhaps someone can tell me the year of the car in the background and I will be able to date the photo..I am thinking 1940’s.  What are those kind of car doors called?

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Photo Number 600

This is a cute photo..I called it “Stripes.”  She was in my original box of photos that I purchased in Park Rapids Minnesota..a long time ago.

Stripes She is all “matchy, matchy” with a bag and a tam or something similar on her head.  I imagine this to be a red/white stripe.

600 photos..hard to believe..but I still have more!  (This collecting old photos must be a sickness.)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Full Circle Number 30

This photo ended up in California. It found a home with Nora, Marion Wald’s niece.

Marion Virginia Wald DL  Antiques

Photo Number 523

Nora wrote:

Thank you so much, it is GREAT to see this A blessing!

She also shared this info:

Marion Virginia Wald,  married Louis Migeot. As a young girl she acquired polio (apparently all the kids got it but recovered except Marion), so she often used braces, crutches or a wheelchair. She was an accomplished pianist and taught piano most of her adult life and loved it.

Marion was the eldest of four children.

Marion had 3 kids, Helen Jean, Bob & John

Abra found the following information:

1930 Census

Household Members: Name Age
Olander Wald 61
Mary C Wald 44
Marion V Wald 20
Eugene Wald 17
Edgar A Wald 15
Norma F Wald 6

I found that Marion's parents lived and married in Illinois; sometime after 1910 they moved to Canada, where they are in 1916; in 1917, Marion's father, Orlander, a physician, declared his intention to become a U.S. citizen while living in Los Angeles in 1917. He must have moved about a bit, because his 1927 request for naturalization states he applied in 1899 in Washington but then became naturalized in Canada, and that in 1925 he lived in Texas. We also know he lived in Los Angeles in 1920. So what I gather, he came from Norway, intended to become a citizen in Washington in 1899, probably moved to Illinois where he met & married Mary (who was born in Indiana), went on to have Marion in Illinois, then moved to Canada by 1913, where the two boys were born. he then became naturalized there, before moving to California by 1917 to declare intent. Youngest daughter Norma was born in Oregon (1924), then he was in Texas in 1925, then back in California by 1927. He was finally granted citizenship in 1931, and died in 1933. I found a small obituary, but it only listed first names of children and didn't give siblings.

Thanks once again to Iggy and Abra who found lots of info..and Nora just happened by..and was thrilled that she had the photo to take to her family reunion here in Minnesota.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Photo Number 599

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Park Rapids Minnesota.  I think this is the last photo by this same unknown photographer over the past week. 

August 15, 1909 PR Antiques

There was a date on the back of this one August 15, 1909. I think it is the same yard as yesterdays photo.

A small child playing in the yard. We have no big clues who this family is or where they lived..other than it is someplace where the trees lose their leaves. For now they will remain Forgotten..perhaps someone will happen along someday and claim them.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Photo Number 598

These are more photos from the Antique shop in Park Rapids.

Group of people PR Antiques

Some of these people may have been in yesterdays photo.

I will plunk it in here so you can see it.

Summer somewhere  hats

Here is another shot of the same backyard.

Group PR Antiques

I wonder what the occasion was..and I wonder what the conversation was about. 

The lawn is mowed.  In many of these old summer photos the grass is long. The gardens look pretty nice too!

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Photo Number 597

A different family..and a slightly different summer scene.

Summer somewhere  hats The men seem very relaxed. The women not so much. The straw hat or “boaters” as they were often called were very popular in the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s.  They were worn by men on the weekend..the “boaters” may have been worn boating or just on a relaxing weekend in the country. Boaters were made of woven straw and had a hat ribbon around them ( this was called a Nostro.)  We can thank the Italians for these hats, their Gondoliers originally wore them.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photo Number 596

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Park Rapids.  The photo was more than likely taken around 1910.

1910 maybe two PR

Thirteen women and one man.  I wonder what the occasion was?The vine covered porch was a great place to gather.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Photo Number 595

This is the last photo that goes with the family that we have been looking at the past few days. I am going to follow along with this same photographer..but with different subjects.

outdoor photo about 1910 PR antiques

I believe the lady on the right is the same “Grandma “ that we have seen previously.  None of the other women appear in the other photos as far as I can tell. The women all have the pigeon breasted blouse look and dark skirts.  I thought the young lady with the pig tails looked real perky and happy to be included in the photo with the older ladies, she looks to be about 12 years old to me. I bet that front porch was a great place to sit in the summertime shade. I still think that all these photos were taken around 1910.  None of these photos were marked.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Photo Number 594

We have the same family..again. It looks to be early spring sometime around 1910. Gather part of the family and have them sit on a bunch of rocks. 

Spring somewhereOne PR

The same Grandma on the left.  Perhaps with two of her daughters this time…or one daughter and one daughter in law. 

Spring somewhere two PR

Now it is the boys turn..they are not doing real well controlling that little girl.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Photo Number 593

A few more of the same family photos.

Lady in touring coat PR Antiques

The same lady in the same touring coat as a few days ago…with a child dressed could have been the little guy in this photo. ( Perhaps he got a new hat and a new jacket and is showing them off..he seems rather proud! )

1910 maybe PR Antiques

They look alike and are about the same height.  I think that these photos are all from around 1910.

The Grandmother in the dark jacket is present in most of these photos.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Photo Number 592

This is another photo from the Antique Shop in Park Rapids Minnesota, it is the same family as yesterday.  The photos are on very thin someone developed them at home and then never mounted them onto cardstock.

Child and a lady PR Antiques


No real clues. Here is another.

Lady and child together PR antiques

This may or may not be the same child. I think it may be the same child as the little girl with the big bow in her hair. Grandmother and Granddaughter seem to have a real connection and it shows in both of these photos.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Photo Number 591

I purchased a number of photos at the Antique Shop in Park Rapids, they are all the same family.  I believe one of the family members may have been a photographer.  They were an upper class family.

1910 maybe PR Antiques

I think we have a Grandma and her daughter and grandchildren. Two boys and a little girl.  We have seen this family before..I have shown at least two other photos.

sitting on logs PR

Photo Number 352


Child on steps PR Antiques

Photo Number 461


And here is a new maid this time just the little girl.

Little Girls on steps PR Antiques

At a different house…or maybe at a different entrance to the same house.  She is very cute with that big old bow in her hair.  I have a few more photos of this family to show you this week.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Photo Number 590

This is a Cabinet Card from the Antique Shop in Solway, Minnesota.

Girl on chair tall brother Cab Card Soloway

The photographer was O.K. Lee at McIntosh, Minn.   The photographer was in McIntosh from 1896 to 1899. 

These children look like a brother and sister.  The boy looks like he needs to grow into his boots and out of his short pants.  The little girls dress has the large upper sleeves that were very popular in 1895.

There is no identification on this photo.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Photo Number 589

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.

Kenneth Ritchfield DL Antiques
JH Hunter of Forman N Dak  (North Dakota) was the photographer.
Kenneth Ritchfield DL Antiques back
This is the name scrawled on the back, Kenneth Ritchfield or Litchfield or Pitchfield.  I think this photo may have been taken right around 1900-1910.

The child’s gown is beautiful. His hair seems to be parted off to the side which would indicate his is a boy.

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Update from Iggy:
The United States Census, 1910 shows Kenneth R Litchfield, born in 1903, living in Dunbar, Sargent, North Dakota; son of Roland R and Millie M Litchfield.

Update from Abra:
Kenneth Litchfield, age 31, a resident of Gwinner, Sargent County, ND married Pearl White, age 25, a resident of Forman, Sargent County, ND. The marriage was solemnized in Britton, Marshall County, South Dakota by M.J. Steven, County Judge, on 1-24-1935.

The Montana death record for Kenneth states he was 61 when he died on January 20 1965 in Cascade County, Montana, which was also his county of residence. He is listed as widowed. (Additional information from a family tree states that his wife, Pearl, passed away in 1958.)

July 11, 2011 Update: Iggy has located a relative in Forman, ND and I will send them a copy of this blog to make sure they are related and want the old photo:)

July 15 Update:
I heard from the relatives in Forman, ND that the family researcher that lives in Bismarck, ND would appreciate this photo of his I am sending it off in the mail tomorrow:) 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Photo Number 588

This is a CdV or Cartes d’ Visite or visiting card. I purchased it at the Antique shop in Royalton Minnesota.

Boothbay Maine Cdv

The Photographer is McDougall in Boothbay Maine.  I  did find a McDougall who was a photographer during the 1917-1918 time period, perhaps his Father was a photographer also.

This photo might be from the late 1890’s..the button up shoes and the pleats around the bottom edge of the dress all say 1890’s to me.  She sure is a cute little girl. 

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Photo Number 587

This is a Real Photo Postcard from the antique shop in Solway Minnesota.

Josies girls Cyko Postcard Solway

These are Josies girls…

Josies girls Postcard back Solway

Dear Ema:-I am sending you a picture of the girls, how do you like it. We are all well + hope you are the same.  Give my love to your Mother With love I am as ever Josie

This is a Cyko Postcard from 1904 to 1920. Josies girls are beautiful!  It is too bad that the photographer didn’t get his horsehair settee/chair re-stuffed.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Photo Number 586

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes Minnesota.
Neal Barnesberger DL Antiques
The photographer was That Man Gale York Aurora. I found him in 1927 in York and Aurora Nebraska. I would have picked this photo to be a little later than that ..late 1930’s for sure. ( What do I know..perhaps Iggy will find a birth date.)
Neal Barnesberger back DL Antiques
Neal Barnesberger (edited to Bamesberger) 9 months old  Birthday Jan 29.

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Update: Neal left a message..he was born in 1951 so this photo was more than likely taken in 1952. 

Update: Neal already has this photo, so I will not be mailing it out.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Photo Number 585

We will look at some children in chairs the rest of the week.  In the early 1900’s they put children in chairs to photograph them.  Cameras were bulky and not easy to set up so they set them up so that the person in the chair would be photographed.

Child in Chair in cute shoes DL Antiques I am not sure where I got this photo. I know I purchased it because of the shoes.  This is a little boy, I say that because his hair is parted on the side. This little boy looks to be about 2 or 3 years old.

Erickson was a photographer in Fargo North Dakota from 1903 to 1916.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Photo Number 584

I purchased this photo at the Antique Shop in Park Rapids.

PR Antiques Baby with a flag MA

This photo must have been taken around the 4th of July, the baby looks happy and is waving a flag.  I could not find any information about Park Studio in Park Rapids Minn.  I think that this photo may have been taken sometime around 1910. It has one word written on the folder “Ma".


I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photo Number 583

I was searching through my photos one day..and I filed this under Patriotic Photos.

Young Lady PR antiques

Perhaps this is a school teacher on the first or the last day of school.  One of the teachers duties was to see to it that the flag was put up in the morning before school and taken down at the end of the day.  This photo was most likely taken sometime around 1910.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Photo Number 582

Ray Binkey Motley ice Cream Shop

A big fish!  A muskie!  I purchased this photo at the Antique Shop with the Ice Cream in Motley Minnesota. I looked at the sign in back of the fisherman..and I could not figure out what it says. It could be the name of a resort??

Ray Binkley 1948 Muskie Motley Ice Cream Shop Ray or Roy Brinkley or Burkley.. the snapshot is stamped Something? Photo 1948.  I wrote Muskie on the back of the photo to identify the fish.

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