Saturday, April 30, 2011

Photo Number 520

This is a Cartes d’ visite  or CdV.  It is from the Antique Shop in Solway, Minnesota.

mr and Mrs mel Porter CdV Solway I learned earlier today that men in the 1860’s and then again in the late 1870’s to early 1880’s buttoned their coats at the very top button only. Of course this is just a general rule to follow. This is not a 1860’s photo.  It fits the early 1880’s much better. During the early 1880’s women wore severe or close fitting dresses, it might have a bustle, lots of buttons in rows, she would wear her hair plain or with curls and usually pulled back away from the face. This couple also looks like they are relaxing in a fine country house, which is typical of photos in the 1880’s.

Mr and mrs Mel Porter CdV back Solway 

This may be Mr and Mrs Mel Porter that had their photo taken by Muma in Alta, Iowa.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Photo Number 519

I purchased this Cabinet Card at Solway, Minnesota.
Emily Rouze Hunter Cabinet Card SolwayThe photographer is Gesman from Knoxville, Iowa. I found that he was in business in the late 1800’s. I will guess that this was taken around 1890.
Emily Rouze Hunter back Soloway  Emily Rouze Hunter
I did a quick search and found her in the 1880 Census.
She married Miller C Hunter.
Clay Township, Marion County Iowa
M C Hunter age 46 Farmer
Emily Hunter age 43 Keeping House
Mary age 14?( Female) At home due to swelling..the box for Maimed, Crippled, Bedridden or Horribly Disabled was checked.
Fanny age 11( Female)
SL age 9 ( Female)
George E  age 10? (Male) protégé??

Then I did another search for just Emily Rouze..and low and behold I found the biography of her is the link it is very interesting reading.  Emily lived to be 77 years old.  If she was 43 in the 1880 census then she was born in about 1837 and she died sometime around 1914.

The biography was part of a book written in 1928 by Nellie Hunter Sherman and updated in 1990 and titled Rouze Family Genealogy, by Dixie Norton and Carol McKenzie.   Additional research by Jeff Rouze.
I could find no way to contact Jeff Rouze, but perhaps someday he will do a search and find the photo, and checkout my profile on the left side of the page and send me an email! 

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

I found that Emily was born on May 03, 1837 and she married Miller Hunter on August 06, 1854 at the age of 17. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Photo Number 518

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Clara Adam DL The photographer is Hunsicker at 824 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA.   I thought that this gals blouse was exceptionally pretty. This photo is most likely from the early 1900’s.  Charles M Hunsicker was at 824 Hamilton Street from 1898 to 1909.  In 1909 he moved to a different studio. 

To keep up with this weeks theme of photos with is what is written on back of the photo.

Clara Adam back Clara Adam

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Photo Number 517

I think we will look at a few photos that have names.  I purchased this photograph at Solway, MN it is a Cabinet Card.
Dona Rasmussen Solway There is an says Gates Co.  I wonder if that is the photographer?  I would date this photo right around 1895 because of the huge puffy sleeves on the blouse.
I do have a name and some dates.
Dona Rasmussen Cab Card Solway Dona (edited to Dora) Rasmusson
Born 8 December 1880
Died 18 April 1902
I wonder if her name was really spelled Dona or was it Donna, and I wonder what she died of at the age of 22.  I think the same person wrote on the back of the photos..but at different times with a different writing tool.
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Updates from Iggy:
Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 for Dora Rasmussen
Groom's Name: M. George Christiansen
Groom's Birthplace: (b. 1874 — Illinois)
Bride's Name: Dora Rasmussen
Bride's Birth Date: 1880
Bride's Birthplace: Denmark
Bride's Age: 20
Marriage Date: 01 Mar 1900
Marriage Place: Franklin, Iowa
Groom's Father: W. C. Christiansen (b. Denmark)
Groom's Mother: Christine Madsen (b. Denmark)
Bride's Father: Jens Rasmussen
Bride's Mother: Anne Hansine Olson

1910 Census shows George married to an Anna living in Hamilton, Franklin county, Iowa.

Poor Dora died young. If she died during childbirth, the baby, if he/she lived/existed doesn't appear in the 1910 census with George.

Info on the photographer:
I believe the photographer is George F. Gates of Chicago, Illinois (the groom was from Illinois).

He is listed as Gates Photographic Co., Gates Co., Gates Bros., and G. F. Gates with various addresses in Chicago from 1883-1900.

Gates Co. is only listed in 1890.

Update from Iggy:
The 1920 census shows an 18 year old son, Lawrence Christiansen born 1902. The 1930 census shows Lawrence married to Alta F. and living in Ingham, IA.

A Fashion note from Norkio! 
I have a reproduction blouse pattern that is virtually identical to that blouse. It's actually nice to see it represented in a period photograph! The sleeve is made in three pieces - two at the puff (a regular shape inside and the puff outside) and one for the rest of the sleeve to the cuff.

I would also like to take this opportunity to point out something we don't ever even think about today. Notice you can see both of her knees pushing her skirt out? Women used to sit with their knees wide open to hold the skirts out of their laps. It makes for a more attractive lap too, with the skirts all smoothed out. It is actually much more comfortable and relaxed than sitting with your legs pressed together. :-) It also helps when you stand up, the skirt isn't bunched up between your feet so you won't trip.

Great photo showing some lost points of etiquette and fashion. Thank you!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Full Circle 27

This was a fairly easy full circle. I recognized the photos in the Antique Shop, wrote about them and mailed them out to Esther Lockwood's Great Grandson Greg..who is also Glenn’s Grandson.

Iggy was kind enough to email Greg for me to tell him that I had found more photographs of his family.  Once we start a connection..the same person usually follows through.  This is what Iggy heard from Greg:


We will take all you can find!...My cousins and I are thrilled to see these "lost" pics and are quite impressed of the quality and condition of the all the information you are providing from the census? My Great-grandmother had good foresight to write the names on the back of these. If only more people would have done this! Thank you so much and keep up the good work!   P.S. keep an eye out for any photographers with Princeton Indiana as their address for they may be family as well....also our library genealogical dept. has a collection of unidentified photos and would be interested in them as well....


These are the photos I mailed.

Esther Lockwood second photo DL Antiques May Indiana Gladys Lockwood Cab Card DL Antiques shop

Esther Lockwood Photo Number 504     May Lockwood Photo Number 505


Fay Lockwood Seven Months old May and Glenn Lockwood Cab Card DL Antiques

Fay Photo Number 506               May and Glenn Photo Number 507

I received a Thank You!!  and a check for twenty dollars that I will reinvest in more photos with names on the back.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Full Circle 25 the other Lockwood photos can be found here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Number 516

This is a photo that comes from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
Runneborg sisters DL Antiques
The Photographer is Gertson from Lidgerwood, North Dakota.  It is a lovely photo of a group of sisters that I think may have been taken around 1910.
Runneborg sisters back DL Antiques
Runneborg or Runneburg sisters ( corrected to Lunneborg..thanks to Crex!)
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone that reads Forgotten Old Photos!:) 


Photo Number 515

I purchased this photo at the antique shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Nuns DL Antiques

Nuns in some kind of a procession.  I wonder if they are coming from some kind of service on top of the hill since there are people up there.  If you enlarge the photo by clicking on it, you will see that there is a  young man part way up in the tree.  The children are watching and looking bored.  One of the ladies has one of those cloche hats on that was popular in the 1920’s..yet none of the men have hats on, perhaps they are holding their hats in their hands.

Nuns DL Antiques

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Photo Number 514

This is a photo that I purchased at one of the Antique Shops in Dorset.

Nun postcard in folder It was in a folder.

I took it out of the folder to scan the entire image.

Nun postcard

Was it taken in 1956, perhaps.  The Nuns face and hands have been partially tinted. The photo is on a postcard, that says “Made in Germany” on it and there are some lines for a message..but of course there is no message and no name.

I thought this was an appropriate “Good Friday” photo. Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Photo Number 513

More children at their First Communion (or Confirmation).
Mary and John Welch  DL Antiques This is from the Antique Shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
Mary and John Welch back Dl Antiques
Mary and John Welch.
There is a very small mark on the large photo.
Mary and John Welch  DL Antiques
Hubertz is what I think it says.  I did find a J A Hubertz that was a photographer in Fargo, North Dakota from 1907 to 1936.  He was said to have an Electric Light Studio, taking photographs just as good in the evening as in the daylight.  I think that this photograph may date from 1907 to 1920 sometime because the young man is wearing knickers.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy:
Mary (b. abt 1901) and John (b. abt 1903) to William J and Elizabeth Welsh. The 1920 US census lists them along with six younger siblings! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photo Number 512

Well it is almost the middle of the week..Easter is on Sunday and I have some special photos to share.
first communion Dorset Antiques Someone’s First Communion (or Confirmation).  Perhaps a sister and a brother.   Religious photos are few and far between, I got this one at the Antique Shop in Dorset, Minnesota.  No names and no photographers name.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Photo Number 511

Edward Host Bva

Edward Host 5 months

Edward Host two

Hello Gladys, What do you think of this picture of Edward Host taken when five months old but is again as big now he has four teeth and says mama + papa and by-by and can paddy-cake believe me he is some baby.  I think this is a pretty good picture only its a little dark. Well Gladys room is scarce on here. Clara  ( some word I cannot read)

This is a Velox postcard with diamonds so we can date this 1907 to 1914. I bought this card at Bonny View Antiques south of Hackensack, Minnesota.  It is a lovely little shop in the woods.

I didn’t think the photo was dark at all..perhaps she means the background. The baby carriage appears to have a cloth top that folds down. Edward does not look real secure to me..he could roll out any minute.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Photo Number 510

I am not sure where I bought this photo.  It is a Real Photo Postcard an Azo with diamonds it is from 1907 to 1909.

Postcard Azo diamonds Baby in carriage A different kind of baby carriage or buggy..a wooden one.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Photo Number 509

This is a photo from the Antique Shop in Park Rapids, Minnesota.

Buggy PR

This buggy may be an older style with the large wheel in back.  The photo is from right around 1910.  I purchased a number of photos that are from the same of them was a fairly good photographer. There are dates on the back of several..but no names. There is a lady off to the left and another off to the right..the one off to the right appears in many of the photos..I believe she is the Grandmother.

Such a cute baby with a big smile.  I wonder if the umbrella or parasol “thingy” was attached to the buggy.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photo Number 508

We will look at some babies in carriages!

Tintype baby in pram and sister Grand Rapids This is a Gem Tintype, I purchased it in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.  Gems are very small.  The actual photo is 1 inch by 1 1/2 inch, then it is put into the paper frame.  The whole thing measures 1 3/4 inch by 2 3/4 inch.  This one seems to have a decorative stamp around the opening. I have not seen one like it before.

Gems are sometimes said to be the size of a postage stamp.

Sometimes when a tintype was made a multiplying camera was used, more lenses were added to the camera box and many images could be created at once.  They were cut apart and put into folders, locket or frames.  You would have a number of images to share with friends and family..or to mail to family far away.

We will make no assumptions about the pink color used to be “the boy” color years ago. Pink was in the family of red colors and considered bold.  Blue was considered more dainty and for girls.  Thoughts on colors changed after WWII according to some sources and not until the 1950’s according to others.

So we don’t know the gender of the baby in the carriage, but we can assume that he or she has an older least I think so because of the hat.  The year?  It could be anytime 1860 to 1900.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo Number 507

This is the last Lockwood photo.  It is a Cabinet Card and Hirshburg Bros of Seymour, IND was the photographer.

May and Glenn Lockwood Cab Card DL Antiques

The same person who wrote on Fays photo yesterday wrote on this one also.

May 27 months         Glenn 3 years + 5 months old

There are no last names..but I believe without a doubt that they are the Lockwood girls. 

Jessie Glenn known as Glenn was born Dec 28 1890 and would have been 3 years and 5 months old in May of 1894.

May was born in Feb of 1892 and would have been 27 months old in May of 1894.

I have wrapped up these last four photos and mailed them off to Greg, he is Jessie Glenn’s Grandson.   I was wondering why the name Glenn was chosen and found out that her grandfathers name was Glen ( Esthers Father).   How marvelous to be named after your Grandfather.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photo Number 506

This is one of the missing pieces of the Lockwood Family.  I only know about Fay because of her beautiful little tombstone that can be found here.  It is photo number 4851 at the Walnut Hill Cemetery.

Fay Lockwood Seven Months old

Fay Seven months old.  Fay was born right around October 15, 1893.  This photo was taken in May of 1894. Fay died September 07, 1894 at the age of 10 months and 22 days.  Fay was the third daughter born to Stephen and Esther Lockwood.  In 1894 Smallpox was an epidemic in Indiana.  We don’t know what Fay died of..anything is possible..Whooping Cough, Typhoid Fever or Spinal Meningitis were all terrible diseases back then.

The same photographer took several photos that day of the Lockwoods.. Photo Number 467 of Esther Lockwood was taken by the same photographer Hirshburg Bros of Seymour, IND. The photo I will feature tomorrow was taken by the same photographer too, more than likely on the same day as this photo.

Much later sometime after Ruth Dale Lockwood was born in 1897, Stephen and Esther had another daughter and to confuse things even more they named her Fay also.  I am not sure why people did this?  Any ideas?

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photo Number 505

This is another Lockwood photo. 
May Indiana Gladys Lockwood Cab Card DL Antiques shop
May Indiana Gladys Lockwood back DL Ant
This is May Indiana Gladys Lockwood age four months.  I believe that May was born in February of 1892.  So this photo would have been taken in June of 1892.  The sleeves were short on her gown most likely for the warmer summer weather. The photographer was Crabb and Johnson of Seymour, Ind.

There seems to be some differences in how her name was spelled..Mae or May.

Iggy found this info when we were researching the Lockwood Family.

Mae L Lockwood was born 1892 and died Feb 18, 1986. She married Manning Z Taylor on April 25, 1915. He was born June 1899 in Owensville, Gibson County, Indiana, and died 1955. They are buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery, Union Township, Gibson County, Indiana as is Mae's mother, Esther Lockwood. ( her Father Stephen is also buried there)

As far as I know Esther and Stephen Lockwood had five daughters. We have met Jessie Glenn or Glenn, daughter number one several times, and now we have met May the second daughter and previously we met Ruth Dale, daughter number four.

This little gal May..had quite a name.  Indiana cannot be a very common middle name. 

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Here is the link to Mae L. Taylors headstone..I have a feeling that she may have used her maiden name of Lockwood in her adult life.   

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photo Number 504

Last Sunday, I went back to the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota where I got the Lockwood Photos from.  I thought that there might be one or two more.  I was right..we will look at them and then I will mail them off to Greg.

This is another photo of Greg’s Great Grandmother Esther Lockwood, it is a Cabinet Card. Esther Lockwood second photo DL Antiques

Esther Lockwood Second photo back

Esther Lockwood Cab card  DL Esther Lockwood second photo DL Antiques

Here I put them side by side so you can look at them together. Which photo is of the older Esther?

This latest photo has very interesting “trims” ..I have not seen anything like them before. The photographer is Dunn from Vincennes, Ind.

We know that Esther was born in 1873.  Here is the Link to the Walnut Hill Cemetery where she is buried, if you scroll down to photo number 4847 you will find Esther and her husband Stephens grave markers in Gibson County, Indiana.

I am not sure WHY? I was supposed to find these added photos. I guess more of this story waits to be told.

The fellow in the Antique Shop thinks that the Lockwood's were relatives of some of the big Bonanza Farm Owners in North Dakota.  The Bonanza Farms were popular in the 1870’s onward, they raised wheat and shipped it out on the railroad.  The farms were usually owned by companies and or groups of individuals that had General Managers and hired young strong Midwestern boys as workers.

On a personal note:  The farms were beautiful. The houses were large and the outbuildings plentiful..grainerys and machinery sheds..lots of old buildings to explore.  In 1995 when we were looking for a “place” in the country, I fell in love with a Bonanza Farm near Ayr, North Dakota.  The house had been updated, it was huge, six bedrooms and four baths, with a game room over the garage, a formal parlor, a kitchen with a butlers pantry and a breakfast nook, a formal dining room, living room and a lovely four season porch with many French doors. The grounds were beautiful with gardens and fruit trees, a creek ran through the was perfect.  It seemed that the Bonanza Farmers also thought it was a perfect central location.  Perfect for a Funeral Home..evident by the crypt space in the basement…apparently this is where they brought the bodies of the young workers that died while working on the Bonanza Farms.  My husband did not see what I saw in that place, he thought it was much too large for two people ...I thought it would be perfect for Murder Mystery Weekends. We bought a place on a small lake in North Dakota instead.


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Monday, April 11, 2011

Full Circle 26

This photo had quite a response.  Three different relatives left messages for me.  Donna a Granddaughter, George a Grandson and Darrin a cousin.

Iola Robbins

This is Ilo V Robbins, she was Photo Number 416.

I have returned the photo to her Granddaughter Donna.

She emailed me yesterday that she received the photo…she wrote:

I found you through a link on facebook that was sent to a friend of my sisters, we have tried to trace the man who sent it but we do not know who he is, but we are trying to find him.

It was very interesting, I recognized the photo because my mom had a very small replica of it in her photo collection, I am thinking it may be the proof copy of the photo you have, but not sure.

My grandma Ilo Vivian Robbins Evans was an awesome woman, she spent her whole life carrying for her family....her family was the most important thing in her life, she had six daughters and one son, her son died as an infant . Of her six daughters of whom my mother was the second oldest, two have died and  three are living in Canada and one in the USA.

Grandma celebrated her 105 th birthday in 2004 and was one month away from reaching 106 when she died,

One of the stories Grandma told us at her 100th birthday party was how she used to ride with her father who was a pony express rider to go to meet the stage coach and pick up the mail for their town and her story ended by telling us how she had had one of her greatgrandaughters teach her how to send an e-mail......what a heritage we had through our Grandma.

Grandma always insisted that the butter on the table for a meal needed to be on a "butter dish" and it was to be changed after every children we learned quickly that this was a rule not to broken, LOL....if it was there were dire consequences for the guilty one who had cleared the table for that meal.

We all loved her dearly and miss her very much as she was always the centre of every extended family gathering.

I am very thankful you have taken the time to do the research to get this wonderful photo into our hands.

Thank you and in the words of my Grandma Ilo......God will bless you for every kindness.




I emailed copies of the photo to George and his wife Tammy.  They really enjoyed getting the photo!

Darrin has not contacted me, but if he does I will email him a copy also.

It is sometimes difficult when more than one relative wants a photo, but I try to do the best that I can.

I know that Abra left a message on Ancestry and I believe that Iggy was probably the one that left a message on Facebook.  Both Abra and Iggy are instrumental in finding home for many of the Forgotten Photos..and I thank them!! They are both awesome!

Iggy was intrigued with the name Ilo..and this is what he found out:

I was intrigued by Ilo's name and found that there was a very brief (1899 only) period where people were given that name. Curious as to why, I discovered that the Spanish-American War was closing up and that US forces under Admiral Dewey in Manila, Philippine did some "mopping up" work in Ilo-Ilo, the second largest port in the Philippines. The dispute over Ilo-Ilo lasted several months and ran into the first months of 1899.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Full Circle 25

This Full Circle has four photos.

Esther Lockwood Cab card  DL

Esther Lockwood Photo Number 467

Two of her children:

Jessie Glenn Lockwood Cab card DL Ruth Dale Lockwood DL Antiques

Jessie Glenn Lockwood                      Ruth Dale Lockwood

Photo Number 468                            Photo Number 484  

Jessie Glenn Lockwood DL Antiques

Jessie Glenn Lockwood a little older.

Photo Number 483

Iggy had great luck with this one.  He located Jessie Glenn’s Grandson Greg by email.   Jessie was known as Glenn.

This is what Greg wrote back.

I am indeed grandson of Glenn Lockwood Wright and was very excited to see old photos of the family.... it is interesting that old photos like that would end up so far from home......please forward them to me and I would be glad to reimburse you for any cost......Stephen and Esther also had a daughter named Mae and she was quite a fond great aunt of mine as my grandmother passed before I was born.....Thank You so much!   Greg

Last week I received a note that said “Thanks so much!” and a check to help cover the cost of the photos and postage.

I always like to hear that the photos have been received…and I do not write a Full Circle Post until I have confirmation that the photo has gone Full Circle.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Photo Number 503

This is another photo from the second Antique Shop in Dorset, Minnesota.

Little Rock Arkansas photo Dorset Antiques I wonder what the piece of paper says that is in her lap. She looks so tired, perhaps those two boys have something to do with that.

Little Rock Arkansas photo back Dorset AntEvans Studio Nov 14  45  702 1/2 Main St. Little Rock, Ark.  I take it that this photo was taken in 1945.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Photo Number 502

This is a group photo that I purchased at a Antique Store in Dorset, Minnesota. There are three stores..I got this one at the second store. 

Granger texas photo Dorset Antiques copyI will let you tell me what you think the story behind this photo is..and if you think like I do that those four boys were a bit much for that Grandma.  What year do you think this was? 

Granger Texas back of photo Jno. P Trlica was the studio in Granger, Texas.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Photo Number 501

This is a group photograph from the Park Rapids Antique Shop.

1910 maybe two PR

I am reminded of the vines covering my husbands Grandmothers porch..and how the heavy vines made the porch all cool and shady in the summer.

This must have been a family gathering of some sort..lots of women were there. This is a photo from right around 1910. Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Photo Number 500

Well we made it..500 photos..hard to believe that I have purchased that many old forgotten photos.  Today’s photo is one that I purchased at the Antique Shop in Dorset, Minnesota.

July 25 1915 from Dorset Antiques

This is quite a group.  I think it might be the Beim Austria singing society. The photo was taken July 25, 1915. From what I read..a Liedertafel was a like minded group of people from the same area that liked to sing.  This photo has men lifting glasses of beer, some with cigars and the one in back in the center with a sheave of plant material of some kind and the fellow in the center of the photograph with a concertina.

July 25 1915 from Dorset Antiques

July 25 1915 back of photo

Friedrich Hamann 1139 Eighth St. is stamped on the back.  I found out that a Freidrich Hamann was an Alumni of the University of Wisconsin in 1910 and he lived at 1139 Eighth St in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  He was a teacher.  I will speculate that he did photography in his spare time.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

I have been retained as the new Director of the local Historical Society.  I hope to continue blog posts daily, I usually write them one day and publish them the next day early in the morning. If I miss a day or two over the summer, or if I am slow to update information you will know why.  I have been working on a whole month of photos for June. Wedding Photographs…do you think you will get bored with 30 photos from all different years?  Only a few of them are marked with names. Other than that I will try to continue the weeks with some kind of there any type of photo that you would like to see?  I have kids in chairs, kids and wheels, baby carriages, hats, hair, buildings, high school photos, nurses week( May 6 to 12), gals with glasses, farm photos, foreign photos, summer photos and a number of misc folders. I am open to suggestions…Connie:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photo Number 499

This is a photo from blog reader Jim.

Jim wrote:

I just came back from a short trip to Ohio, where I stole a few minutes to go to one of my favorite little antique malls.  It's very small, but is PACKED with stuff from probably over fifty dealers.  There, I picked up four more vintage group photos.  Two of them had names on the back, and another was so interesting, I thought your readers would enjoy the mystery of it.

It's a photo of a family of thirteen -- Mother, father, nine sons, and two daughters.  There are no location stamps for a studio, and no notes of any sort on the back.  However, there are some pencil marks on the FRONT of the photo.  Someone went through and labeled their family members.  With few exceptions -- Dan, Will, Mother, Henry, Ed, Al, and Mary -- there is nothing but an initial.  The only lead -- and I figured only Iggy or Abra would be able to dig deeper -- was an additional written name under Mary's photo.  Could VOLSK be a married name?

Photo from Jim

Photo from Jim

I found it curious that initials were used for identification..and that Mother was written..but not Father..and Henry was written in a totally different hand and I am positive that is Dan..three times Dan!

Thanks Jim for sharing your old photo! :)