Thursday, March 31, 2011

Photo Number 494

This is a photo from the Tin Ceiling in Park Rapids, Minnesota.  It is a tiny shop on Main Street.
Harris B PR Antiques
This is a typical Art Deco inspired folder that was popular in the 1930’s into the 1940’s. I find this kind of photo frame and folder to be a work of art all by itself.  The photographer remains unknown..because his imprint is very light and unreadable.
Harris B back Pr Antiques
Harris Bredit????  1 year old October 19, 1939

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Abra:
This is Harris Elmer Bredesen, born October 19, 1938 in Renville County, MN to Elmer Bredesen & Gertrude Wallert.

I will mail a copy of this blog post to Harris, an address has been found for him:) 

This photo went Full Circle 28 on May 02, 2011. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photo Number 493


Laura mosher DL AntiquesThis is one of those on the diagonal photos.  A very nice individual by the name of Brett left a comment for me one day.  He dated these diagonal photos to the years 1895 to 1905.

This photo is from the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Laura Mosher Back DL Antiquies

I did a preliminary search for Laura Mosher and found so many that it discouraged me. If we only had some clue where she was from. I think she is a fairly young gal..16 or 17 and she has no jewelry on, perhaps the plaid was enough of a decoration..the sleeves of this blouse or dress are fairly full, stuffed with paper they would have been quite large sleeves. 

Thanks for stopping by, do come again

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Full Circle 24

Ida Norley has gone home.

Ida of Zerkle DL Antiques

Photo Number 485

Ida had a brother by the name of Emet, the photo went to Emets Granddaughter Karen. Iggy was instrumental in locating Karen..thanks Iggy!! Iggy contacted Karen and she shared this info:

What  pleasant surprise!!!!  Ida Norley was my Grandfather Emet Norley’s Sister, as you noted.  My Father was Arthur Norley.  I was born in Bagley in 1948 and have many relatives still living in Clearwater County.   I remember visiting Aunt Ida as a child when she lived in the Minerva area.  I think that her husband Albert Mattson had passed away as I do not remember him.  This is really a coincidence – just yesterday my Mother, who is now 86 years old, was talking about how “Aunt Ida” had raised Emet because their mother was not with the family.

She also included her address and I mailed off the photo!


Karen wrote:

Hi Connie,

THANK YOU!!!  I received the photo Thursday - what a special family remembrance!!!  I appreciate the service you are providing; and it is fascinating to read your blog on the research you and your team do on the old photos!!

Thanks again...


This is Full Circle 24.  Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Photo Number 492

Elmers sisters DLThe photographer is L Hikell ..Artist  in  Beresford, So. Dak

Elmers sisters back

Could this say Elmer Westling?? or Elmer sister? I thought it might say Elmers sister..he had three that it could be.. Selma Mary born in 1888 the Mother of all those children plus many more. Emelia Edna born in 1891 or Freda Eileen born in 1893.

Elmer DL Antiques To Elmer  DL Antiques Elmers sisters DL

I think there is a resemblance in all of these photos..brothers and sisters and one of the sisters children. What do you think?  We probably have too much speculation to go any further with these photos..but perhaps a relative will come by someday and leave a never can tell.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Photo Number 491

This is another photo that is from the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
To Elmer  DL Antiques Five cute little kids..most of which break all the hair rules.  The rule is usually..girls part their hair down the middle and boys part their hair on the side.  Perhaps this Mom never heard of the “hair rules.”  I think they are mostly boys..but the baby could be a girl. I also see red hair..especially on the child with the very curly hair… who could also be a girl.
To Elmer back DL Antiques These photos are marked Elmer Westling..Elmer had no obviously Elmer knew these children.

Elmer’s sister Selma Mary married Frank Duball. They lived in South Dakota. They had a whole bunch of children..and the oldest five match the line up pretty well.

Napoleon (Polie) Paul Dubrall  Hair parted in the middle yet he looks boyish.
Marie Aileen Dubrall  Hair parted in the middle but looks girlish.
Francis Henry Dubrall born in 1909  Hair parted on the side (a boy) but with a feminine shirt..I believe it even has polka dots on it!  But if you have one older sister perhaps you would wear a hand me down shirt.
Vernice Elmer Dubrall born in 1911 It is hard to tell where this little ones hair is parted.
Blanche Louise Eleanor Dubrall  The baby.

It is totally speculation on my part that these are relatives of Elmers. Tomorrow I have a photo of Elmer’s sisters…possibly the mother to these children.

I would like to date this photo as being taken right around 1910-1915. ( After finding the Dubrall children I would say 1913) Keller was the photographer at Beresford, S.D.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy:
1920 Census lists the children differently
Child Francis H Dubrall M 10y (1909)
Child Bernice [Vernice] E Dubrall M 8y (1911)
Child Blanch[e] E Dubrall F 5y (1915) 
Child Neplion [Napolean] P Dubrall M 3y6m (1917)
Child Lavern R Dubrall M 1y5m (1918)

I took my info from Genealogydotcom..the census is probably a more reliable source.  We would then move the date of the photo to 1918:)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Number 490

I got this photo in Detroit Lakes at the Antique Mall.
Elmer DL Antiques
The photographer is J H Paramore of Hawarden, Iowa. A very typical early 1900’s photo.
Elmer Back DL Antiques
This is the name on the back..Elmer Westling.  I have another photo to show you tomorrow with the same name on it. One of these men could be Elmer Westling.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Update from Iggy:
Elmer Westling, born on Nov 25, 1884 in Stratford, Iowa was single, a 20-year old Farmhand living in Prarie, Union County, South Dakota having mored there in 1904 according to the 1905 South Dakota State Census. His parents were both born in Sweden. He married Dena Hillestad (b. 1888 d. 1968) in 1917. Elmer died on October 09, 1952 in South Dakota.

He never had any children according to the family tree

Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Number 489

two gals DL
This is a photo from the Antique Mall in Detroit lakes, Minnesota.  This photo is in a folder, the paper is like a basketweave. McFarland of Valley City, North Dakota is the photographer.
They are two beautiful young women.  Perhaps they have just been Confirmed..although they look a little old..their dresses are similar..but different..I bet they were the same color..I see them as off white…of course I would have them match those shoes that I really like.
two gals back
scan0015 copy
Audie and
Velna Mclure ( McCaul??)
The pencil marks get lost in the weave of the paper. No matter what I do with it..this is the best I can get it.  I have looked at it in all different kinds of light..from all directions..I give up.

Now for a year..I am feeling 1915 to 1920..input is always appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

I found a census record for 1910
North Dakota, Cass County, Ayr Township
McCaul James 48 Farmer born in Michigan 
McCaul Mary 44 born in North Dakota 
Audie age 12
Velna age 10
Bennie age 8
Varne age 6 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo Number 488

Little Girl Owatonna Cab card  DL

This is another Cabinet Card from the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.  This is the same photographer as yesterday, Fred Mueller the photographer that likes to pose people with all their weight on one foot.

If you look just behind the little girls left foot you will see a posing stand.  Posing stands were used to help the person in the photograph hold still, they were often used with children. Exposure times varied..and if someone moved during the exposure time then the photograph ended up blurry.

From the information that the Minnesota Historical Society has on this photographer, I will date this photo 1884 to 1885 because those are the dates Mr. Mueller was in business in Owatonna. His name was also speller Muller..on this cabinet card it could be Mouller..or Muller if that M is real fancy.

The same table covering appears in this photo as in the photograph yesterday.  She might even be related to the gentleman I featured just never know.  His photograph was marked and this one was not.

Little Girl Owatonna Cab card  DL

I think her dress is just darling, it was fashioned after a ladies dress that would have a bustle in the back and a drape in the front.  The pleated edges on the hem of the dress were very popular in the 1880’s.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Photo Number 487

I purchased this Cabinet Card at the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
Philip Mc Carthy Cab card DL
I will have to remember that this photographer likes to pose people in a relaxed pose with all their weight on one foot. This is a Photo by Fred Mueller of Owatonna, Minn.  Fred was in business in 1894 and 1895.
Philip Mc Carthy Cab card back Philip Mc Carthy Died October 1, 1894.
The photo was obviously taken before he it is not one of those death photos.

I wonder what caused a seemingly healthy young man to die after posing on one foot by some beautiful Rex Begonias after throwing you hat off on the table.  He looks like he just strolled in after a busy day of overseeing his crops. 

The backdrop in this photo is one of a fancy country home..probably a type of home that was never found in Minnesota in the 1880’s…but it was a photographers trend during those years to use a fancy backdrop.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy:
From the Minnesota State Census of 1885
He was single, son of James and Bridget McCarthy - but he had a lot of brothers and sisters.

A death record from Dodge county (Ellington is in Dodge county) said Philip died on 01 Oct 1894 and was a farmer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photo Number 486

Mrs Annie from Perham Dl Antiques copy This is another Cabinet Card from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
The photographer is N. Jahn, he was in Perham Minnesota in 1902.  I loved the backdrop in this photo..just walking down a country lane and stopped near a chair.  My goodness she is a thin lady.
Mrs Annie from Perham Back Dl Antiques
Miss Annie Semverling? Semnerling? Semvirling? Perham Minnesota

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from crex:
There is an Anna Semmerling who died 29 April 1912 in Perham, Otter Tail, Minnesota, but she was born as late as 1884.

Update from Iggy:
In the 1900 and 1910 US Census she is listed as Anna and then Annie Semerling (single "m"). She appears to be the only offspring of Franz/Frank and Franiska/Francis nee Potrefki Semerling, who moved to the US from Poland/Germany. It appears that Anna never married and had no offspring. The census/death records vary on her birthdate - some say 1882, and some say 1884.

Anna's mother died on 29 Sep 1918. If Anna had any neices or nephews - they will be hard to find given the uncertain spelling.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo Number 485

This is a Cabinet Card from the Antique Mall in Detroit  Lakes, Minnesota.
Ida of Zerkle DL Antiques
Mons Mossefin the photographer was from Norway.  He was in the Bagley, Minnesota area in 1914 (  in 1898 and 1899 he was in Crookston, Minnesota..then he us not shown again until 1914 in Bagley according to the Minnesota Photographers Database...but he could have practiced earlier in the Bagley area)   I think this ladies dress looks like something a young woman would wear in Minnesota in the early1900s.
Ida of Zerkle Back Dl Antiques
from Ida Norley or Morley??  Zerkel Minnesota
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Updates from Iggy and Anonymous:
Ida Norley (b. Nov 1884 in Minnesota) living in Bear Creek, Itasca & Moose Creek Townships & Twps.143-144/Ranges 36-38, Beltrami, Minnesota in 1900. Her father's name was Yens Norley or Jens Norlie. 

Yens Norley was born in Feb 1844, immigrating in 1867, and shows him as married but without a wife living with him. His children are: Peter (Mar 1882), Ida (Nov 1884). Martin (Dec 1888), and Emmet (Oct 1890).

Ida Norley (or Norlie) married and became "Mrs. Albert Mattson" of Minerva, MN.

This photo was returned to Ida's Great Niece Karen, it went Full Circle 24 on March 29, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photo Number 484

Now we have a family of photos..I found a photo of Jessie Glenn’s younger sister Ruth Dale Lockwood.
Ruth Dale Lockwood DL Antiques
Ruth Dale Lockwood Back DL Antiques
Thanks to someone who labeled this photo we know it was taken August 31, 1897.
This is what we know:
1910 United States Federal Census

Gibson County, Indiana

Household Members: Name Age
Stephens V Lockwood 63
Esther Lockwood 37
Jessie G Lockwood 19
Mae I Lockwood 18
Ruth D Lockwood 12
Esther Lockwood Cab card  DL
Esther Lockwood Photo Number 467
Esther’s Children
Jessie Glenn Lockwood Cab card DL Ruth Dale Lockwood DL Antiques
Jessie Glenn Lockwood       Ruth Dale Lockwood
Photo Number 468
Jessie Glenn Lockwood DL Antiques
Jessie Glenn  18 months old
Photo Number 483

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy:
Ruth Dale Lockwood was born 1897. She married Hobart Dewey Reed (b. Jul 13, 1896) in 1917.

In 1920, they were living in Gibson County, Indiana with his parents.

In 1930, Hobart is in Fort Sheridan, Lake County, Illinois, while Ruth is with their nine year old daughter Nancy, in Hazard, Perry County, Kentucky.

Hobart died on Aug 1970 in Fort Walton Beach, Okaloosa, FL. I haven't been able to determine where Ruth Reed ... went or ended up. I get the unconfirmed impression that she and Hobart split up - but have no proof. What became of Nancy Reed - I've not be able to determine.

Hobart appears to have stayed in the Army and risen up through the ranks in the artillery arm. Perhaps he joined the Army before/during the Great Depression and made a career of it.

These photos are Full Circle 25 on April 10, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Photo Number 483

A short time ago I featured a photo of a little baby girl.
This is Miss Jessie Glenn Lockwood, and this is what we know:
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Jessie G Lockwood
Gibson County, Indiana
Age in 1910: 19
Estimated Birth Year: 1891
Household Members: Name Age
Stephens V Lockwood 63
Esther Lockwood 37
Jessie G Lockwood 19
Mae I Lockwood 18
Ruth D Lockwood 12
Wright, Glenn J, 28 Dec 1890, 5 Jun 1963, nee LOCKWOOD.  Wife of Edgar D WRIGHT.  Married in Vanderburgh County, Indiana.

I often put photos in my to do files..and get them out and scan them in batches…well I was scanning the other day and low and behold I found another photo of Jessie Glenn!  I often visit a dealer in the Antique Mall in Detroit Lakes and I must have purchased the photos on two separate days. Both of these photos are Cabinet Cards.
Jessie Glenn Lockwood DL Antiques
Jessie Glenn Lockwood Back DL Antiques

The writing is very faint…Jessie Glenn Lockwood Age 18 months.  That means that this photo was taken in June of 1892.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update March 24, 2011: Iggy has located a relative and the photos will be mailed in the morning to Greg. 

We also heard from Chris:
Jessie Glen Lockwood was mother to my mom's stepfather, Robert Edgar Wright. I believe you've already contacted my uncle in Princeton. He runs the jewelry store there that his father, Robert, started many years ago in Evansville.

Glen, as she was called, was born in Indiana 28 Dec 1890 and died 5 Jun 1963 in Fort Branch. She and Edgar married in 1916, Evansville. He was a telegrapher for the railroad, working the depots at Owensville, Fort Branch and Princeton.

These photos are Full Circle 25 on April 10. 2011.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Number 482

These are the last two photos with names from Janice’s Dyer Album.  I will show both of them..because I think they are related somehow. 
Dyer 19
Mandy Lowrey..her dress suggests that this photo was taken in about 1895..the huge sleeves and the “wings” over her sleeves. She also wears a lovely lace collar with a brooch or a locket at the neck. Perhaps someone has input on the long chain..for a watch? At first I thought that this was a photo of an older woman..then I looked closely..her frown just makes her look older than she is.
Dyer 18Iva visited the same photographer as Mandy.  Iva must have loved her hat. 

Thanks Janice for sharing your Forgotten Old Photos with us the past few days.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy:
I think this is Amanda D. Lowry, daughter of Andrew and Olercia Lowry. She appears to have married H. F. Dyer. If this can be confirmed, then I believe this is her death record -

Mandy Dyer (b. 18-Jun-1882 d. Jul-1976 at the age of 94 in Branchland, Lincoln, WV)

These photos went Full Circle 31 on September 02, 2011.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Photo Number 481

This is another photo from Janice and her Dyer Album.
Dyer 22 Birthday Greetings  Robert and Richard Dyer
Dyer 22
Now for a question..when do you think this photo was taken?  Janice would like input from you!
Ohhh they are cute little guys!

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Abra:

I found Richard (1909) and Robert (1912), sons of Myrtle & Lemuel Dyer, living in Shreve, Wayne County, Ohio in 1930. Given yesterday's photo of Myrtle, I would say there is a fairly good chance these are our boys. That would date this photo to about 1914-1915, which seems about right to me.

Update from Iggy:
Richard Dyer (b. 16-Nov-1908 d. Mar-1980 at the age of 71 in Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio)

Robert Dyer (b. 01-Sep-1911 d. Jul-1984 at the age of 72 in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio)

I think that this is a good possibility!  As always I thank Abra and Iggy for their relentless searching skills!!  They have also identified yesterdays photo as the Mother of these boys.  I think this photo was taken around 1913-1914  when Richard was five/six and Robert was two/three:)  

Update from Iggy March 24, 2011
Robert G Dyer married Thelma Martin - Thelma's parents were James R Martin (28y
in 1910) and Alta L Martin  (23y in 1910)

Thelma L. Dyer  (b. April 11, 1912  d. June 22, 1997 at the age of 85 years in
Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio.

Robert and Thelma appear to be James Dyer's parents.

I have forwarded the contact info to Janice, since she is in possession of the photographs. Now we will just have to wait and see what happens next:)

This photo went Full Circle 31 on September 02, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo Number 480

This is another photo from Janice, it is part of the Dyer Mystery Album.
Dyer 09 Baker of Columbus, O was the photographer. During the 1880’s is was very common for a photographer to display his medals on the back of his work.  He won lots of awards too..the last one featured on this Cabinet Card was in 1889.  So we can date this photo 1889 or 1890.
This young lady has a pin at the neckline of her dress and a ribbon that is tied around her neck. Her hair is pulled back and braided, or pulled into a low bun. All things that suggest the late 1880’s.  Dyer 09 name
Her name is Myrtle..that is it is the only clue we have.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update: Iggy and Abra have been doing their magic! 

From Iggy:
Myrtle Van Schoyck b: October 11, 1872 in Hilliard, Franklin Co., Ohio d: October 19, 1951 in Shreve, Ohio married to Lemuel Dyer b: October 7, 1877 in Macksburgh, Ohio d: October 27, 1941 in Shreve, Ohio

From Abra:
I found a Myrtle Dyer, wife of Lemuel, in the 1930 census, with three children (Vivian, Richard, Robert). She was born about 1876. Looking back, the 1910 census has them living in West Virginia, married 4 years, 2 children (Vivian & Richard), neighbors to Frank Dyer family, also born in Ohio(possibly Lemuel's brother). Frank & Lemuel are working in the oil wells. In 1920, they are living in Clinton Twshp/Shreve Village, Wayne Co. Ohio. Lemuel is an oil pumper for Preston Oil Co. in both the 1920 & 1930 censuses.

Found a public family tree with Myrtle VanSchoyck, married to Lemuel Dyer. Her parents are George Washington VanSchoyck and Arminta Davidson. These would be some names to look for in connection with the album. Her siblings are Wayne(spouse Edith Schale), Minnie(spouse William Fishinger), Harvey(spouse Lenora ?), Aubrey(spouse Nellie Proctor), Inez(marriage/spouse unknown)Clay(Irene Tinnon), and Monyleta(marriage/spouse unknown)

This photo went Full Circle 31 on September 02, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Photo Number 479

This photo is from blog reader Janice…she calls her project The Dyer Album.  
She recently purchased a Cabinet Card Album and would like to find relatives if possible. Most of the Photos are Cabinet Cards and most of them are from the Columbus Ohio area. There are only a few clues. There are five photos that are marked with names.
Dyer 15 Urlin and Pfeifer of Columbus Ohio were the photographers. They had lots of awards..the latest being this photo was taken sometime after that.  There is a name.
Dyer 15 name
Susie Walcurth or Walcurtt or Waleurth or Waleurtt. (edited to Walcutt)   Susie looks to me to be 15 or 16 years old, she is wearing a black ribbon or choker around her neck, it was popular in the 1880’s.  So we will date this photo at 1887-1888.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy :

The best I can figure, this is Susie Walcutt listed in the 1900 US Census, living in Columbus City, Franklin, Ohio, born Jul 1873 to Robert and Priscilla Walcutt

Gustav Mohr (b. 1873 in Columbus, Ohio) at the age of 27, married Susie Walcutt (b. 1873 in Worthington, Ohio) on 17-Oct-1900 in Columbus, Franklin, Ohio. The parents were, Michael Mohr and (first name not given, nee) Ringhausen for the groom, and Robert Walcutt and Priscella (nee) Baker for the bride.

Update from Janice: 

I'm currently working the theory that her name is Susie Walcutt b. Jul 1873 to Robert and Priscilla. I've found her on the 1880 census at Perry, Franklin, Ohio and on the 1900 census at Columbus, Franklin, Ohio. If this is her I may have found a lead to a relative in an old Bible posting. A Larry Evan Walcutt shared details from a family Bible that was given to him by Susie. I have my fingers crossed that this is she, and that he replies to my email. Even so, I still don't know if the rest of the images are related to her.

This photo went Full Circle 31 on September 02, 2011.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photo Number 478

This week we will look at a few photos from my readers.
This photo is from Laura in California, she found it in a book.   She would like it to go back to family if possible. 
Ralph from Laura
This is a Real Photo Postcard, an Azo with triangles up in all corners where the stamp it is from 1904 to 1918.
Benson of Sterling, Nebr was the photographer.
Ralph from Laura Back Azo TRiangles up
Ralph Merrick Vimter? ( Winter)  2 yrs old

I found a marriage record in 1941 for Ralph Merrick Winter, he married Nelma Elvera Frey in Lancaster County, Nebraska.  Is this the little boy with the beautiful curls? 

Thanks for stopping by. If this is a relative of yours please contact me through the email on the left in my profile and I will mail the postcard to you:)

Update from Iggy:
I found two census records for Ralph M Winter in Gage County, NE. If this is him, he was born about 1913 to Ralph B and Olive M Winter. he had a brother (1920 census) named James B Winter b. abt 1918.

Nelma E. Winter was born 11-Mar-1913 and died on 03-Jan-1997 at the age of 83 in Beatrice, Gage County, NE.

Merrick Winter b. 10-Jul-1912 d. 01-Mar-1993 at the age of 80. ( apparently he went by his middle name) 
He and Nelma had a son named Francis “Frank” M. Winter. He died August 17, 2010. ( apparently he had no children)

Ralph Merrick Winters brother James may be still alive..perhaps his family wants the photo..we will have to wait and see:) 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo Number 477

This is a foreign CdV that I purchased at an Antique Shop in Detroit lakes, Minnesota.
Foreign Large Family DL Antiques
Nine guesses why I purchased this card?  I believe that these children are..age nine or ten all the way on down.  The little girl sitting down holding her brother or sister seems to be the oldest. 
Foreign Large Family Dl Back 
This is the back of the CdV.  Stavanger is a city in Norway. Perhaps this photo was taken in 1891, or perhaps the photographer established his shop in 1891.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update on the Photographer from crex:

Børre (Børe) Mathias Norland. Born in Stavanger 30.12.1855, died 23.09.1920. Son of Sivert Sivertsen (1813-80) and Martha Gundersen (1824-1913), married l) with Guriana Blom, 3 sons, 2) with Rakel Johanne (23.12.1866-27.12.1948), 17 children.

Anonymous update:
"Sølvmedalje Skien 1891" means that he was awarded a silver medal at "Den almindelige Norske landsutstilling i Skien 1891" (sign) (the general Norwegian countrywide exhibition in Skien). Skien is a town in southeast Norway.

I guess it is likely that the photo was taken later then 1891.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photo Number 476

Postcard Azo Triangles Up  Ontario Motley ice Cream Shop
I purchased this photo at the Antique Shop in Motley, Minnesota..the one with the Ice Cream Shop.  No, I did not have Ice Cream..but there are two Antiques Shops in town and I had to distinguish between the two.
I bought this photograph because of her shoes.

I think she looks much older than him and believe it to be a Mother and Son..although I am often wrong.
( Many of the readers think that this is a couple..they could correct! ) 
Postcard Azo Triangles Up  Ontario Motley ice Cream Shop
This photo was taken by a photographer named MacDonald at Lindsay ONT. When I took the photo out to check for names I found it to be a Real Photo Postcard, an Azo from the years 1904 to 1918.  I think that the womans clothing leans more toward the 1918’s.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Norkio:
I would also agree as to her fashion being closer to 1918 with the slightly raised hem of her skirt. Even a couple inches was scandalous! :-)

BTW you can still buy those boots. I have had several pair over the years and they are very comfortable. These were probably made from a double last making them actual left and right shoes and like what we wear today. Shoes in the 19th century were made on a single last and you broke them in to your feet.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Number 475

Formato cabinet cardThis is a Cabinet Card. It is another foreign card, this one has notches.  I believe it may be from Italy.  Formato Gabinetto?  Images of family that were left overseas?  We will never know.  To me they look very poor and tired looking..and I wonder what happened to them. 

Formato two Fotografia  Luigi Mastrosanti   Casacalenda

Notched edges were popular in the United States from 1894 to 1900, I suppose we can assume that the same trend was popular in Europe.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)