Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Eight

This is a real photo postcard, it was sent to Red Owl, South Dakota to Jingle Bobs Grandmother.  It was mailed on Oct 25, 1911 from Sterling, ILL  and it has a one cent stamp.  On the back is this writing..
This is a picture that the Supervisors had taken at the bounty ( or county) farm.  Joe is in the third auto and has his hat on.  Wonder why we don't hear from Lizzie.  I have been looking for a letter for a long time. We are all well.  Lu ( or Lee) expects to go to town today. Poose is husking corn.  Margaret

My Dad looked at this photo..he loves old cars..he said that the first and third cars are Overlands and the second car is a Model T.  He enjoyed looking at this photo.  

I have a Lizzie in a previous South Dakota/Illinois  photo..number Eighty-Three ..could this possibly be the Lizzie that Margaret is talking about?  I am sure that all the South Dakota photos are related somehow, either because they are kin..or friends. 
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Seven

This is a real photo postcard, an Azo with four triangles pointing up so it is from 1904 to 1918. It is among the group of photos from South Dakota.   Far Guy and I had a good time looking at this photo.  They must have a cistern, water is being diverted from the down spouts, and they have a storm cellar or a root cellar.I am thinking that the little girl is an only child, or maybe a late in life tag along.  She seems to have lots of pretend playmates and I love the old doll buggy.
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Friday, January 29, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Six

This photo is marked William Meurer..or Meurir.  It is from the South Dakota bunch.  Possibly the child in this photo is related to John from yesterday in Photo number Ninety-five.  I know, another boy dressed in a dress..that is just the way it was..his hair is also parted on the side. That is some beautiful wicker chair!  I could not find any info about the photographer H N Kent in Amboy, ILL.  I did  run onto a little story about how Amboy  got it's name.  People were talking and someone asked a young Native American  boy what the area was called and he replied "Am  boy".  
This is a cabinet card..and I would like to date it about 1866, the artists palette was used on cabinet cards during that time, but it doesn't seem that old to seems more like 1896.  This is one of those photos that you  really would like a birth date to nail it down for certain.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Five

 This is a wedding photograph..however she does seem fairly young.  This is a photo that came from South Dakota.   It was taken at The Andre Studio in Dixon, ILL.
Mr and Mrs John Meurer..or Meruer.. I would venture to guess that this was about 1910 or 1911.
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From Coleen The 1920 and 1930 censuses of Lee County, Illinois, show a John and Josephine Meurer and their son Harold, living in East Grove Township in 1920 and in Dixon, IL, in 1930. John was born about 1881 in Illinois (his parents were from Germany, according to the census); Josephine was a couple of years younger, also born in Illinois (her parents listed as being from Sweden in 1930 census, but from Germany in 1920). The 1930 census says they were 22 and 21, respectively, when they married, which matches up rather well with your date estimations. Might it be them?  John was also listed as being a Caretaker of a Golf Club.  
It might be them..:) 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Four

This is a photo that belongs to my sister in law.  She is curious about the year in which it was taken.  I guessed 1910..does anyone else care to venture a guess for me??  The elderly woman seated is probably her Great Grandmother.  I thought it was an excellent photo that shows some personality by having all the young men in the tree.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Three

Mildred was so kind to mail me a couple of old photos. She wrote..
The two photos are from around 1900.  My great grandpa would have been 25; my grandpa would have been about 2 years old.  (Interesting to note that Margaret Mitchell - Gone With The Wind" author was born in 1900).

What is now Alpharetta, GA (my hometown) was located on an Indian trail between the north Georgia mountains and the Chattahoochee River.  Originally called New Prospect Campground, it consisted of a trading post with tents, a log school, and farms (mostly cotton).  During the 1900's, my great grandpa owned a huge farm where our regional hospital is now located.  Unfortunately for my great grandpa, he lost everything in the Depression.  He worked hard until the day he died when he was kicked by a mule and died from his injuries - I was two (1959).  He is credited with saving the lives of two young sisters from a fire at the local hotel during the early 1900's, where he received burns on his face/hands. 

In 1857, the town was named Alpharetta meaning First Town.  By the Civil War, Alpharetta had built a courthouse/jail for $2,400, 3 hotels, several mercantile shops, churches and a school.  Cotton was the biggest crop for the many family owned farms and very few of the farms owned slaves.  Alpharetta was virtually untouched during the Civil War.  The next town, Roswell, had a large cotton mill and railroad and sustained much damage during the war.

Alpharetta's population today is around 50,000 people.  The downtown street scene I am sending you still has many of the same buildings as in the photo. 

Thank you Mildred for sharing your photographs with me. I found the history behind them very interesting. It looks like both photographs were an event..with the number of people standing on the edge of the street. Mildred has a blog called Mildred's Menagerie...she is one of my most faithful readers and almost always leaves me a comment..Thanks Mildred!

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-Two

This is a CdV  from Norkios collection.  She wrote: "This is one of the most striking images I have, in my opinion.  The photo is quite faded and I didn't know until my husband fixed the color a bit that she was wearing a gorgeous brooch with a cross on it, large earrings and that her dress could possibly be a Garibaldi jacket and blouse, though it's difficult to tell.  The original just barely shows her face.  This will include the front and the back.  The image is pasted onto the card.  You can see a line on the lower portion of the card where the picture stops.  This is quite an elaborate hair style.  I've never seen anything like it and I venture to guess it's 1860s or 70s.  I say this because the hair is parted in the middle and the braids in the back emphasize roundness in the face, a common look for Civil War era photographs.  This must be for a very special occasion or she is quite wealthy considering the hairstyle and the jewelry."

I found another of  Morse's CdV's online..its date is verified at 1861 to 1865. It  is identical to the back of this one. So this is probably the oldest photo that this blog will ever feature. Many Thanks to Norkio for sharing her photographs with us!!  I absolutely love this lady's hair, her braids are beautiful.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Photo Number Ninety-one

Another tin type of a little boy.  Isn't he seated in a fancy chair?  The trim on his dress is wonderful...he even seems to have some sort of sash. He is a beautiful child.
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Photo Number Ninety

This is another tin type that Norkio kindly shared with me. She also shared with me that  this is a boy..because his hair is parted on the side.  Girls hair was parted down the middle.  I love learning small bits and pieces of information that make these photos make sense.   This is another boy in a dress..and it does make sense..that it was easier to change their diapers if they had on a dress..this was all clearly before the whole boy/girl thing that we are so accustomed to.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Nine

This is a tin type..the folder it is enclosed in just says "Nellie"  so we know that it is indeed a little girl.   The way she is positioned I think perhaps Mom is covered by a piece of  fabric and  is behind holding her in place.  I know with one of my grands I hid behind the photographers table during a photo session..and if you look closely you can see one of my fingers.

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We have had some action on Photo Number is headed to its home tomorrow!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Eight

This is a "gem" tin type, very small about the size of a postage stamp.  I do not even begin to understand the camera that was used..I do find the process interesting!  Gems were made by using a multi lens camera with a repeating back.  They could copy the image onto the entire that many of these little gems could be made at one time..and used in carte de vistes (calling cards) ..or jewelry.

Norkio wrote: The image of the man is the smallest.  The image size is less than 1" with a bit more inside the card.  His was damaged by water but the actual plate is not in bad shape, except for a chip on it.  The tin types were all found in a trunk belonging to a deceased relative of my friend's friend.  It is unknown who the people are or even where some of the images were made.

I want to thank Norkio for emailing me these tin has been very interesting to venture into this area of photography!
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Seven

Another beautiful tin type.  I looked at these photos really closely, for certain one of the girls from yesterday is in this photo.  I think they are both probably the same girls only a little older than in yesterdays photo.I bet they are sisters too.     Norkio noted that this photographer info was on the back.

I found out that J D Wallis was a Canadian Photographer and he occupied three different studios in Ottawa, he was at 56 Sparks Street from 1873-1874 and at 61 Sparks Street from 1875 to 1895.

Tin types were a fast form of photography, actually the first instant photo.  The photo could be taken, developed, cheeks tinted ( a very in vogue thing to do) they also tinted some clothing, they then varnished it and put it in a sleeve or a case..and off went the customer with their photo in hand.  Tin Types come in different sizes. Plate sizes were full, half, fourth, sixth, ninth, sixteenth and gem.  Tintypists were usually itinerant..they did bring the art of photography to many different people who could not afford photographs before.  Having your photo taken was a big event!  Tin types could be mailed..they were durable and unbreakable.  From what I read..the first tin types were not thought of very highly by Professional Photographers..they considered tintypists results not up to their standards and thought of them as a fly by night type of business. One photographer called tin types cheap and artless..apparently he had a bug in his drawers.

Tin is not used in the process, an iron plate is used but the images are cut apart with tin snips.  So it should really be called an Iron type...

I was also curious about "gems"  I found out that they are small tin types about the size of a postage stamp. These tiny photos could be used in jewelry..lockets, broaches..etc..( Norkio emailed me a gem..I will post it tomorrow.)

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Photo Number Eighty-Six

Today we are going to take a break from The South Dakota Photos.  We are going to go way back in a tin type.  Norkio very kindly emailed me scans of old tin types, they are small 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches. I have not touched these up in anyway..they are all au natural!

Norkio wrote" The girls in particular are from the second bustle period (also called late bustle period), I believe, which is from 1883-1889.  I can tell this by the way they are sitting and also by the draping of their skirts and the trimming on their dresses.  If in fact one girl is in both pictures ( check back tomorrow! ) , she comes from some wealth because we all know that photography was quite expensive."

Well.. I absolutely love this image..first of all the heavy gowns..I wonder how heavy they confining were they..especially with a bustle..were they hard to sit down in?  This is the first photograph that I have went ..oh my..the gal on the left is the spitting image of one of my doubt it is the shape of her face and the hair..isn't their hair lovely.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Full Circle Number One

Yesterday I received a letter in the mail.  It was written on pink patchwork quilted paper.  It was written by Virginia who is the daughter of  Della in Photo Number Seventy. 

Secor, Il.  Jan 11, 2010
Michael came to my house today with the picture of my Mother (thank-you so much)  I said "the face is familiar but I can't tell who it is."  I was apalled when he told me who is was!! Of course this was way before my time.  It is a small world afterall..

Mom was born and raised in the Sterling area and had beautiful auburn hair.  Her family later moved to Decatur and I don't know how she finally my my Dad. 

I am 87 years old and when I was 9 or 10 or somewhere in that age group Mom and I and a sister and husband drove to South Dakota to visit a relative who lived in a "sod house" by the name of Katie Purcul. It was quite an adventure and took a long time to get there, as there weren't cars then like today- believe me we didn't go 65 miles an hour. 

Michael seems to really enjoy this genealogy thing he has gotten into and seems very sincere in his efforts.  His Mother was a long time friend and cousin.  Michael plowed out my driveway a few days ago after seven inches of snow.  Bet you got more-I do shovel but at 20 or so minute intervals.  That shoveling is a killer you know. 
Thanks again for the picture. I wish you many blessings in the new year.  Many wishes, Virginia 

Needless to say, I was thrilled to receive this letter!  It is the first photo that has gone full circle!!  I owe many thanks to my friend and fellow blogger Abra for her help!  We did it..together!!
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Four

This photo is marked Edward Foley, it was also taken at the Weaver Studio in Walnut, ILLS.   I wonder what the connection is with Lizzie Foley in photo number Eighty-Three?   Any speculation is appreciated.  If it is indeed Edward I love his hair and his curls, they used to dress little boys in dresses..or maybe the person who marked the photo could not remember the childs name and marked it with the fathers name...this is a photo that came to me from South Dakota.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Three

This is Lizzie Foley.  She has a very beautiful pleated blouse..and her locket looks interesting.  Tomorrow I have another Foley photograph..both of these photos were taken by Weaver in Walnut, ILLS.  These ended up in South Dakota.
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-Two

This is Harry Bailey  there is no photographers mark.  This is a South Dakota it could have been taken in Illinois like most of the rest of them.  This photo is one one those photos that is all shiny and doesn't scan well because it refracts the light. I don't know what this particular photographic process was called..I need to do some research to find out what it was called and what years it was used.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo Number Eighty-One

This elderly couple look foreign to me..the photo folder has rifles on it. The photographer was ? G. Crawford, I did a quick search and found nothing that seemed to fit.  I love the kindly looking Grandpa's  hair.. I will guess that this is a 1930's photo.  This is still in the group of photos from South Dakota.
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Update** This is possibly Patrick and Mary Walls?? Will we ever know for sure? 
 Info from Abra:  
A little further research finds Mary Walls, widowed, age 50, in 1900, living in Tampico, Whiteside , Illinois. Her daughters, Agness (sic), 21, and May (sic), 19, are living with her, as well as a niece, Anna Murphy, age 16. The census shows that she is the mother to 4 children, of which 2 are living. Again, the ages are off compared to 1910 census, but Agnes’ age in 1900, matches up with what I found in 1920 & 1930. More searching reveals finds Mary Walls(28), married to Patrick Walls(34), living in Hahnaman. They have two children at this point, Ambrose age 4 and Agness, age 2, as well as a servant, Daniel Callehan (there are close neighbors with the Callehan surname, as well). Patrick is listed as a farmer. I find Patrick, age 23, living in Browning, Schuyler County, Illinois, occupation of R.R. hand (there were a lot of RR hands living in this particular neighborhood). The only thing I can’t explain with all of this is what the ‘uniforms & pins’ are for on the clothing in Mr. & Mrs. Walls previous photo.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Photo Number Eighty

This is one of those real photo postcards.  It is a Azo card..with four triangles pointing up in each corner in the area where the stamp goes.  Azo made this particular card from 1904 to 1918.   So this date of 1911 fits nicely.  I am not sure if the man in Photo Number Seventy- Nine and this man are the same...they certainly could be.  Of course we only know that mans last name and this babies last name..the man could be an makes for interesting speculation..this baby would now be almost 99 years old.
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From Connie:

CARL CLEVELAND ACKERT , Marion Twp. who died March 12 named his widow as the sole beneficiary in his $29,000 will when it was admitted to probate in Lee County court yesterday (22 May 1952). A son Charles Alden Ackert, Sterling was named executor. Besides his widow, Anna Theresa Ackert Rt. 2 Dixon, and son Charles he is survived by by two daughters, Edith, Chicago and Mary Ackert Fassler Rt. 2 Polo, and one other son Edward Rt. 2 Dixon. The estate was valued at $5000 Personal Property and $24,000 in real estate. 

Photo Number Seventy-Nine

This is Mr and Mrs Ackert....taken at the Chase and Miller Studio in Dixon, Ill. It is quite an elaborate folder with an old piece of wax in one of the corners that is folded down on the outside.
This is what is written on the back.. Mr and Mrs ----- Ackert ...Capet? Cspel? Ospet?   My eyes are tired of tying to figure it out. Tomorrow I will have a photo of someone who is related to them..might even be their son.
I love the pleats on the sleeve of this blouse or dress.  The hat is surely a real fashion statement..and her glasses..held with just a nose piece and a chain....I still don't know exactly what these glasses are called..but she wears them well.
Any guesses on the year?  I think it was a wedding photograph..
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*** Update:
Norkio : The type of glasses is called a pince nez - nose pinch.

Abra: Carl and Teresa Ackert. They are in the 1930 census in Marion Township, Lee County, Illinois, with their children Alden, Thomas, Edith, Edward, and Mary. The census gives Carl's occupation as farmer.

12 March 1952 CARL ACKERT , 68, a farmer on Rt. 2, Dixon, for most of his life, died at his home about 1:45 a.m. Wednesday following a long illness. He was born in Marion Twp. Nov. 28, 1883. He is survived by his widow Theresa Garland Ackert, two sons, Alden, Sterling; Edward, Marion Twp; two daughters, Edith, Chicago and Mrs. Walter Fassler, Brookville; three brothers, Hal, Dixon; Earl Ellendale N.D.; James Edward, Manhattan KS; and a sister Alice Daisy, Webster Grove MO. His parents, two sisters and a son preceded him in death. Services are to be at 9 am Friday at the home and at 9:30 am at St. Marys Catholic Church, Walton, the Rev. Robert Donavan officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery.
 From Connie:   Carl Cleveland Ackert , Marion Twp. who died March 12 named his widow as the sole beneficiary in his $29,000 will when it was admitted to probate in Lee County court yesterday (22 May 1952). A son Charles Alden Ackert, Sterling was named executor. Besides his widow, Anna Theresa Ackert Rt. 2 Dixon, and son Charles he is survived by by two daughters, Edith, Chicago and Mary Ackert Fassler Rt. 2 Polo, and one other son Edward Rt. 2 Dixon. The estate was valued at $5000 Personal Property and $24,000 in real estate.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-Eight

This is Joe, his last name looks like Grennan or maybe Gremran or Gremnan.  I tried to scan it but the photo backing is dark and  did not scan well..I had to hold the photo to the light to read it. I believe that we have had this type of photo before..the oval glued onto the photo card.  This photo was taken at Haynes in Sterling, ILL.  I will guess around 1910.
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*** Update from Abra:  The name is Grennan. He was living at 606 W 6th ST in Sterling when he registered for the WWI draft. He was born Sept 18, 1887, and he was 29, married & had 3 children when he registered. He was of medium height, heavy build, gray eyes, black hair, & his left arm was off at shoulder. (The rest of the info is blurry & hard to read.) In 1900 he was living Hahanaman & Montmorency Twshps (Whiteside Co. ILL), along with parents Michael(53) & Bridget(42). There are 10 children in the family, ranging in ages from 3 to 23. Also, Thomas Murphy & Frank Fox, but I forgot to check relationships on them. In 1910, the family is living in Sterling (same county), there are only 3 children, with Joseph being 22, & Annie 20, & Katharyn 13. There should have still been 2 others at home (17 & 15), so either they are boarding or they have passed on in that 10 years. (I might be able to find more by searching family trees, but I won't have time right now). In 1920, Joseph is still in Sterling, age 32, and has five children. In 1930, he has 6 children and is living in Amboy, Lee county, Ill. (Della from picture 70 was also born/resided in Lee County--her pic, btw, is now posted with her info in her family tree). I could not find a relationship between Della & Joseph, but I think there must be some common thread between these, due to the residency counties. Perhaps Jinglebob has an idea on this.

Update: Jan 21, 2010 
I spoke with a gal by the name of Kay, she lives in Springfield, IL  Joe in photo number seventy-eight is her cousin..she was thrilled to find the photo..I will mail it off tomorrow.. another photo headed home!! She has assured me if she finds anything else out about Joe or perhaps how he lost his arm that she will leave a comment here:) Connie

Photo Number Seventy-Seven

This is a real photo postcard an Azo..from 1904 to 1918.  I believe it might be one of those school marms, as every part of her body is covered.  This is another South Dakota Photo..but this one has no name.   If you look to the left there is a wooden box that says Fels Naptha Soap..the wooden box is upside down.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-Six

This is Louise Neitzke..she is more than likely a cousin to Dorthy Porbs from yesterdays photo number Seventy- five. (Louise's sister Francis went to Chicago with Dorothy to work as a stenographer.)  Apparently Louise being the oldest daughter stayed in Sterling and worked there.  Louises parents were William and Fritzie Neitzke.

I featured Louise in a previous photo  ( number twenty-seven)..  Remember her..the gal in the coat and hat.  Norkio found out that she was born in 1882...and worked as a maid.  I dated this photo as 1897.

Todays photo might be a little bit is a cabinet card and might be from around the year 1902..she would have been twenty years old then. It is very interesting to me to find out how all these family puzzle pieces are coming together.
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Photo Number Seventy-Five

This is another very long card type photo, this is another photo that ended up in South Dakota.  It was taken in Chicago..the photography Studio I believe is Sykes.

This is Dorothy...her last name is up for debate.  Porfis..Porfes..Porps ??

I found this on the back of the photo..which would suggest that it is Porbs or?? ..and her husbands name would be elki or olki ?? and she lived in Harmon. Ill, Route #2 Harmon Twp. CB 298
It is a very glamorous looking photograph..I will date it around 1930. Update to 1910.

We have our first match!! Thanks to my friend Abra..a home was found for Photo number may want to check it out.  I have asked the family if they could provide me with a little more info about the beautiful Della.  I will set up a watch list ..of photos to watch  for incoming info.  I will put it to the margin on the left!
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***Update from Abra : Dorothy L. Porbs has been found in several censuses—her name spelled differently each time. When listed with her family, it is indeed in Harmon, Lee Co. Illinois. She appears to have been born in Illinois in May 1889. Her mother was already a widow by the time Dorothy was 11(her mother’s name was either Eureka, Ulrika, Ulricag, or Eurdke – depending on which census you believe—researchers can add alternate spellings). She has one brother, William. In 1900, her mother was head of household, with the 2 children, and her father & brother living there (August Neitzke, William Neitzke). In 1910, the father & uncle are not in the Harmon IL census, and neither is Dorothy; Wm is listed as head of household and his mother is living there. Further searching finds Dorothy, age 21, living in Chicago Ward 35, as a boarder. She is a stenographer in the brass goods industry. There is also a Francis Neitzke, age 21, (which I will guess is her cousin/relative ) boarding in the same home. She is also a stenographer, but in the electrical industry. In 1920, Dorothy is back living with her mother, whom is once again the head of the household, and her brother. Both are single. I didn’t find any of them in 1930, but perhaps if I was more diligent, I could (perhaps Dorothy married). 

Different censuses list immigration year of mother differently. Both listed children were born in Illinois—she had three children altogether, but only two living. I do not know when her husband died. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any family trees at this time (they may be private).

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-Four

This is Billie Schueler ..I  think this photo has a foreign flair to it..just a sense..he looks quite dapper, his tie is  tied to pop out rather like some of the guys did in the 1970's ( I think I have that pictured correct in my old brain) ..and the photo presentation is in a very long card.  With the crown on top and the crest on the bottom..perhaps it is Canadian?

I have no idea about a date on this one. 1920's or 1930's ??
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-three

Today I would like to introduce you to Mary West.. this is a photo from Jinglebob's Grandmother in South Dakota.  It may technically be a cabinet is the correct size, but there is no photographer info. I realize that not all the early cabinet cards had Photographer info..however I really hesitate to date this as before 1871. I believe that to be highly unlikely.

I get a western feel from this photograph.. anyone else care to share their first thoughts?   Maybe it is just the pigtails and ribbons.  A date??  I will let you all guess on this one.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-Two

I didn't think too much of this photo at first.  Then I began to fix some damage on it.  I thought that this was an older know at least forty!  She is young..probably barely twenty..and is she thin or what..she has a tiny little waist.  She appears to be wearing a short jacket over a blouse. I was intrigued with her necklace or beads..why do you suppose they are looped upward.
I could not find anything out about the photographer, EW Glaze of Lyons, KANS.   I am not sure how I should date this photo..1890?  Norkio is great with womens I hope she is still reading, perhaps she can give us some insight! This is a Jinglebob South Dakota Photo.
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Norkio: I would say the bolero jacket is 1890s as well. The sleeve is large at the upper arm and fitted at the lower arm, plus those jackets were popular during that time period. The high neck on the dress underneath is also from that decade. I'd guess the bolero is wool with silk trim and the dress is silk. It's gorgeous. The trim on the jacket is so time consuming to make, I'll never do it myself. The necklace I'd speculate is too long and she pinned it up mid-chest so that it would be seen. If you guess that she took up 2-3 inches on either side of the drape, it's a good 6 inches longer than the lowest point and would have gotten lost in her lap, lol. You can see it's pinned within the fold of her blouse, which is also indicative of the "pigeon breast" style in that decade. This lady is so small she can wear this style nicely, women with a larger bust simply look top heavy in this style. The best guess I can give is the decade of 1890. First stare of fashion, early 90s, lagging behind or middle America, late 90s. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Photo Number Seventy-One

This is Earl Eihternach..correction .. ( Echternach).  This photo was taken by J Haynes.  I know nothing about Earl..except that his long dress was beautiful.

J. Haynes was born in 1833 in Ohio. he moved to NYC and studied photography in 1862.  In 1867 he moved to Chicago, and from 1881 to 1897 he was a photographer in Sterling. ILL.

I will date this photo 1897. It is a Cabinet Card and no doubt some Grandma or Aunt was very happy to have it!
On a side note, I read where the towns of Sterling, Nebraska and Sterling, Colorado were both started by residents of Sterling, Illinois as they headed west.  Interesting.

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Update: From Norkio: All infants were dressed in dresses, most often white cotton ones, up until the 20th century really. White fabric was easy to boil and bleach if it got stained. Also, the dress gave easy access to "clouts" which were the early diapers, made of heavy cotton or wool and very absorbent - but no where near Pampers, lol. Most christening dresses were made during the mother's confinement, depending on her level of wealth. A woman who had to work in some capacity (as a domestic for example) might not have the income for the silks and lawns we see in some of the museum pieces, and women of lower income would often make the child's dresses from her old petticoats. The more elaborate the gown, the greater the wealth/status in society. It was extremely common to use the same christening dress for all family members for many generations. I did a whole educational piece for a local museum on 19th century children's gowns when I was pregnant a few years ago. :-) Did you know that pink was considered the stronger color and blue the weaker? It wasn't until the 20th century that they were identified as pink for girls and blue for boys, used to be the other way around.
I found this info very interesting..and it explains a few questions I had about the gowns.. Thanks Norkio! :) 

*** Update  Abra Wrote:  Hi Connie: I found an Earl Echternach, born March of 1896, in the 1900 census, living in Jordan township, Whiteside Co., Illinois. In 1910, 1920, 1930 he lived in Monson Township, Traverse Co., MN. He was with his parents all this time, although he did register for WW 1 draft. His draft card states he was born in Sterling Illinois, March 18, 1896 (1 day before my grandpa!) and at the time of registration, was living in Wheaton MN, employed by his father as a farm laborer. He was of medium build, medium height, blue eyes, dark hair, not bald (or bold!--hard to read the card) and not disabled. He registered on June 5, 1917. He died in February of 1986 in Wheaton MN. It appears he never married. There are some family tree entries and there is the possibility of contacting the person responsible for those, if you wish.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Photo Number Seventy

Today we begin a journey through some of the South Dakota Photographs that a fellow blogger mailed to me.  These are all unknown people to him..some have names and some do not..I scanned them all at once and have some people with the same last names.  Most of these photographs originated in Illinois.

This is the beautiful Delia ( corrected to Della) Hettinger, the photo was taken by The Rose Studio in Champaign, ILLS.  Through my research I found that this Studio was in business around that is the date we will use for this photo.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)
Update: Jinglebob very kindly sent me these photographs.
He commented: A little background. My Grand Mother went from Illinois to South Dakota to homestead, along with several of her brothers. Her family, the Bauers, were farmers from around the Sterling area. We still have quite a few relatives in that area. These old photo's would most likely have been of friends and distant relatives of my Grandmother. Hope you enjoy them. By the way she would have come to South Dakota around 1908 or so.
I have to correct this is Della.. Abra found a Della that was born in 1886.  Thanks for the correction Abra!!  We will move the date on this photo to about 1904 to 1906. ( She would have been 18 to 20)   

**** This photo is headed to Della's daughter Virginia by email.  I will send the real photo to her very soon. This is our first real success..I am just thrilled..many thanks to Abra for making the connection to Della's relatives through an Ancestry site!! :):) 

*** From a relative Virginia is in her late 80's now and happy to hear about this.  When I showed her the picture, she was the one who brought up the story about going to the Dakota's one time to see family there. That sealed it for me as I did not mention where the photo was until afterwards. Della lived here in the central Illinois area all her life and is buried just up the road from me. Still not sure when the photo was taken. But Della was 11 years old in 1900 if that helps in aging it. Thank you for the effort you put into this.

Secor, Il.  Jan 11, 2010
Michael came to my house today with the picture of my Mother (thank-you so much)  I said "the face is familiar but I can't tell who it is."  I was apalled when he told me who is was!! Of course this was way before my time.  It is a small world afterall..

Mom was born and raised in the Sterling area and had beautiful auburn hair.  Her family later moved to Decatur and I don't know how she finally met my Dad. 

I am 87 years old and when I was 9 or 10 or somewhere in that age group Mom and I and a sister and husband drove to South Dakota to visit a relative who lived in a "sod house" by the name of Katie Purcul. It was quite an adventure and took a long time to get there, as there weren't cars then like today- believe me we didn't go 65 miles an hour. 

Michael seems to really enjoy this genealogy thing he has gotten into and seems very sincere in his efforts.  His Mother was a long time friend and cousin.  Michael plowed out my driveway a few days ago after seven inches of snow.  Bet you got more-I do shovel but at 20 or so minute intervals.  That shoveling is a killer you know. 
Thanks again for the picture. I wish you many blessings in the new year.  Many wishes, Virginia 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Photo Number Sixty-Nine

This is Babe Harrington with her fauncy George least that is what is says on the back of this Real Photo Postcard.  This is another AZO card..but with triangles pointing up in all four corners so we can date it 1904 to 1918.  What do you suppose that thing on her head was..a summer hat? To me she looks like she should be dressed for going to sleep.
Thank you everyone for your input throughout the past few months.  I am still enjoying these old photos I hope you are too!  Happy New Years Day to everyone!  Hopefully some of these old photos will find their proper homes in 2010!
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)