Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photo Number 299

Uncle Ira

This is someones Uncle Ira.  The photo was taken by A. Brandmo.  His Photography Studio was in Montevideo, Minnesota from 1886 to 1896.  This is a young Ira, maybe 13 or 14 years old.

Uncle Ira back of photo

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Photo Number 298

Lots of women copyThis is obviously an exclusive group of women..  Sorority? ..some type of Club in an all girls school?? 
Lot of womens names
Here is the list of these names..just incase someone finds it while searching for a relative.
Mary Stewart, Lenore Bell, Mary Helen Cameron, Mona, Jane Olson, Gertie Legard, Maxine Lindstrom, Jane Hanson, Helen Graham, Janet Stearns, Jean Bradley (Treas), Pat Brandoer, Dorothy Bell, Miss Barney, Peg Jenson (Pres), Doris Hoover, Lorraine Krooks, Jean Mc Farlin, Ruth Fowig, Janice Peterson, Katie Wilcuts, Kay Ward, and Phil Marisset.
We don’t know Mona’s last name because this photo was probably hers..Miss Barney must have been an advisor of some sort.
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Update From Iggy:
He found that Miss Grace Barney was a teacher at The University of Wisconsin Superior, she lived within blocks of the school.  He also found out that many of these ladies in this photo were living in Douglas County and born  1917-1920.  Were they all going to be teachers?  Possibly.
I have contacted The U of Wisconsin  Superior..their alumni association to see if they can confirm that it is a group of gals from their school..and if so I will return the photo to them.  We will see what happens :)  

Update from Iggy January 05, 2011 
Located a nephew of Lorraine Krooks..she is in the middle row..third from the right...she is 91 years old and her nephew will share the photo with her.

I hope to get this photo off in the mail to David today or tomorrow:)

This photo is Full Circle 33  on Tuesday October 11, 2011

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Photo Number 297

Tom and Helen
Perhaps this couple had been married fifty years.  This photo was probably taken in the late 1940’s or the early 1950’s. This might be Tom and Helen Ford..they look like a wonderful pair of Grandparents!
Tom and Helen Ford
The photo was by Austin Jennings in Woodbury, Tenn.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update from Iggy! 
Name: Tom Ford 
Spouse: Helen Ford 
Birth: abt 1881 - location 
Residence: 1930 (age 49) - city, Cannon, Tennessee

Update: I was contacted by family members through email..this photo will be in the mail on Monday Jan 10. 2011.

February 16, 2011  this photo went Full Circle 23 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photo Number 296

Colter Studio Lewistown Montana Bva copy

This is another Lewistown, Montana photo.   This is a Real Photo Postcard. This one is from Coulter Studio, I believe he was in partnership with yesterdays photographer WH Culver in Lewistown.

colter Studio lewistown Montana two It is an Azo card, with triangles pointing up, so that means it is from 1904 to 1918.  As far as the Rona, Washington and Meerquette ..I have no idea if it is even connected to this photo.  I suppose Rona could be a last name..Rona or Rono..at any rate it is a beautiful child.  I am thinking that this is a little boy..his hair is parted on the right.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Number 295

cc BVA Mother and Child

This is a cabinet card that I purchased from an Antique Shop over by Hackensack, Minnesota (Bonnie View Antiques).   The photographer was WH Culver,  he began his career in photography in the Judith Mountains near Maiden, Montana. In 1888 he moved into Lewistown, Montana. 

I bought this photo because I like photo of Mothers and their children and this Mom has leather gloves on..I am not sure why..but she does.  This photo was most likely taken in 1890 to 1900.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photo Number 294

Smokey Bear International Falls Mn
Today we have a scenery photo.  This is a statue that I had not seen before but I came home and Googled Smokey the Bear and Statue.  I got this photo in an Antique Shop. 
This is a 26 foot tall statue of Smokey Bear.  It is in International Falls, Minnesota ( way UP North..it is across the border from Canada).  The statue was erected in 1953 as part of the Keep Minnesota Green Project in Koochiching County. 
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Photo Number 293

Uncle Eds two first children
These are the children from the couple yesterday.  IF the couple yesterday is Edwin and Edna (Woods) Newcomb then these children are Monroe and Norma or Dorothy or Don.  I will assume it is Monroe and Norma, since usually the oldest child is named for someone.  If you recall Monroe was the father of all the Mothers Brothers boys ( Jess, Homer, Frank and Ed) ..so this little boy was named after his Grandfather. 
Uncle Eds first two children of theirs Monroe was born January 06,1917 and died January 03, 2007.  His wife Gladys died in 2008.
Mrs. Norma Gayle Newcomb Ringer, age 87, of Davidson, died Tuesday April 3, 2007. Born November 27, 1919, in Eagle Grove, Iowa, she was a daughter of the late Edwin Newcomb and Edna Wood Newcomb. She was preceded in death by her brother, Monroe Newcomb.
Among the survivors are her brother, Donald Newcomb and her sister, Dorothy Helgevold.
This photo was probably taken in 1920 or 1921.
I am waiting patiently for my phone call to be returned…The big questions I have about these photos are..Who was the Sister of all these brothers in this series?  How did the photos come to be in Minnesota? There seem to be many relatives still in Iowa.  Iggy found a newspaper article that was written about the  Monroe Newcomb family (The little boy in the photo above) they were all together baking their grandmothers favorite recipes at Christmas time..so I cannot imagine them not wanting these photographs.
Today I am back using Windows Live Writer..Nancy can you “bigify” the photos okay?  It was an easy fix to that dilemma..thanks Iggy..you have been ever so helpful! 
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Update: Friday August 27, 2010 The little boy in this photograph, had a number of children..the photos will be on their way to Carroll, Iowa to Nina very soon...I will write a Full Circle post when she has received them.  Many Thanks to Iggy for the assistance with this search! :) 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Photo Number 292

This is the last of the Newcombe or Newcomb brothers.  Meet Ed and his wife.
The handwriting is the same as with the other photos .. Mother's Bro.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

I have stopped using Windows Live Writer..although it is a nice program, the inability to click on a photo to enlarge it was something I missed..and so did my husband..and Nancy was nice enough to leave me a comment..so for now we will enjoy the ability to zoom in on a photo once again:)

Update: Thank you  Iggy..he can find great info! 
This is possibly Edwin and Edna (Wood) Newcomb..the e at the end of the name has been dropped.

 If it is them, they had children and I have a photo of two of the oldest children tomorrow.  There seems to be relatives that are alive ..so I will attempt to find phone numbers.  I will keep you updated!  

Update: This morning I located one of this couple's Grandchildren..George..I left him a message..hopefully he will return my call. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Photo Number 291

HOmer and Frank Newcombe Mothers Brothers
This is Homer and Frank Newcombe.  Underneath the flap of this folder the photographer is identified as Myklebust.
Homer and Frank
In the 1920 Census of Wright County, Iowa  Frank was the head of the household..Homer and his wife Silvia and his Mother Mrs. Lillian Newcombe lived with him.  He was 26 that year and was a farmer.  He was born October 03, 1893 and he died July 01, 1966.  So that would have made him about 73 when he died.
So far the birth order of these Newcombe boys is Jess (1887)  Homer (1890) and Frank (1893) and we will meet another Bro tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)
Update: Thanks Iggy! 
Frank D Newcomb served in WWI .  His father was Monroe Newcomb. 
Frank died in Eagle Grove, Wright County, Iowa. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Photo Number 290

Today I have two photos of Homer Newcombe.  I would guess that only a year or two separate these photos.
Mothers Brother Homer two 
It has been pinned or nailed up somewhere for someone to gaze upon.  Myklebust  in Eagle Grove Iowa was the photographer. 
Mothers Brother Homer
Uncle Homer Newcomb
Here he is a few years later, he must have switched barbers..his hair is parted on the opposite side now.
Uncle Homer
According to the 1920 Census in Wright County, Iowa  Homer age 29 was living with his wife Silvia who was 19, his Mother, Mrs. Louise Newcombe who is 63 and widowed and his younger brother Frank who is the head of the household.
Homer was born May 24, 1890 and he died October 01, 1972 in Arizona.   So he lived to be eighty-two years old. Both of these photos were probably taken around 1910 to 1915.
He was Mothers Bro..so Homer joins Jess from yesterday. Tomorrow we will add another Bro.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update: Thanks to Iggy we have the following info. 
1930: Homer and his brother Jess were both found in the 1930 Census in Wright County. 

Sylvia Newcomb was born February 09, 1907 and died December 01, 1974 at 67 years of age in Arizona.  

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photo Number 289

This is the first in a series of photo that I will call “Mothers Brothers”. I got them all at an Antique Shop near Dorset, Minnesota.  There are six photos in this series. 
Most of these photos have been taken by a fellow by the name of Myklebust.  He came to Eagle Grove Iowa from Norway and established a photo studio.  He was adventurous and returned to Norway on photo expeditions where he would take photos of Norway’s residents and the scenery and sell them to people back in the USA.  He also was well known for making stereo photographic images.
Uncle Jess Newcombe
Anyway here is the photo, it is Jess Newcombe, “Mothers Bro”  In the 1920 Census I found that he was 33 and single and a farmer living in Wright County, Iowa.  He was born about 1887.
Uncle Jess
On side note,  yesterdays photo will be on it’s way to relatives on Monday!  You may want to check out yesterdays post to catch up.
I also received a comment from another relative of Alice Lomoe’s who was  featured in  Photo Number 172 and Full Circle Number Six.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:) 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Photo Number 288

Delaney Hubbard and menahaga
This is a photo that I purchased in an Antique Shop in Dorset, Minnesota.   Smith and Wilkins was the photo studio in Park Rapids, Minnesota.  They were in business from 1904 to 1906.  This town is just fourteen miles from where we live.  When I was growing up, people by the name of Wilkins had a feed store.
Jos. F. Delaney Jr. Nov. 26, 1906  Hubbard, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Delaney Menahga, Minn.
I did some research.  It led me to a local cemetery. 
Joseph F Delaney was the Hubbard County Auditor from 1907 to 1915.
b. 1879 d. 1931
His wife Mable( Mabel)  E Delaney b. 1893 d.1979
J.R. Delaney b. 1874 d. 1947
His wife was Doris b. 1877 d. 1930
I contacted two Delaney's in Park Rapids..they are from different Delaney's up north by Bemidji.  They think that these may be the Delaney's that have the Sports Shop in Park Rapids..I guess I will have to call them..or stop by..my guess is that they no longer want these photos..which I find very sad.   I was talking to an Antique Dealer the other day, she said “Old Photos are usually of no value and no one wants to bother with them.”  We will see.
My best guess is that this is J.R. and Doris since they are listed as the Mr. and Mrs. on the back of the photo.  Mable ( Mabel)  was 14 years younger than Joseph..this lady does not look that much younger than the gentleman.  I am not sure what the occasion of the photo is..wedding? There are no flowers..but I believe he does have a ring on his finger.  He is dressed like a train conductor..or a ticket agent.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Update:  The business in town is no longer owned by Delaney's but someone else..however they did give me a name of someone who is related to the Delaney's..a gal by the name of Carol, I spoke with her husband..she was at work..her husband has my phone number. 

In the meantime I found this info:
James Delaney was born in 1874 in Iowa. He served as county auditor from
January 1907 until January 1915. ( Conflicting info..was it Joe or James that was the Auditor? ) 
Joseph F. Delaney Sr. was born in 1848 in New York. His wife, Susan A.
Heacock, was born in 1848 in Ohio. Children: son James R. was born in 1874 in Iowa;
Henry E. was born in 1876 in Iowa; Joseph F. (junior) was born in 1879 or 1880 in Iowa,
and served as county auditor in 1913; and Clarence J. was born in 1881 or 1882 in Iowa;
Mark was born August 17, 1885, in Hubbard County. Joseph F. Delany was a miller who
moved to Hubbard Township in Minnesota in the spring of 1883. His son, James, also
was a miller. In 1883 Joe built a flour mill at the Hubbard dam site. On the first day the
machinery was to move into motion the earthen dam gave out and the mill above the
water wheel fell over in the river. The mill was rebuilt the following year. Delaney's
elevator had a capacity of 60,000 bushels of grain. In June 1885 Nelson Bement
enumerated them 73rd in Hubbard. Living with the the Delaneys in 1885 were W. S.
Steele, age 36, and Joseph Replogle, age 24. On June 18, 1895, E. R. Hinds enumerated
the family 51st in Hubbard Township.
Joseph F. Delaney Jr. was born July 6, 1879, in Adair, Iowa. He attended
Hubbard County schools and taught for three years in the county. He worked as a
bookkeeper for the Wilson Brothers Logging Company for four years, for the Pine Tree
Lumber Company for a year, and for the Delaney Milling Company for two years. Joe
was elected Hubbard County Auditor in 1906.

Update August 20, 9:30 PM :  I spoke with Carol T. this evening, yes these are her husbands relatives.  Joseph and Mabel were his Grandparents, J. R. and Doris would have been his Great Aunt and Great Uncle. He was adopted so he felt no need to research this part of his family.  Carol said she would like the photo to give to her daughter who was interested in family history..so I will mail the photo off on Monday Morning:) 
 Iggy found out the Joseph F is Joseph Franklin.  Thanks Iggy! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Photo Number 287

Alva Horegesoy Bloom copy

This is one of those photos that bugs me, I should be able to find something out about this gal.  I couldn’t even find out anything about the photographer except that they were in Goodhue, Minnesota.   This is a Cabinet Card that I purchased in a local antique shop.  It is most likely from 1894 to 1900 because of the notched edges on the card.

Alva Bloom

This is what is on the back of the card.  Alva is not a womans name is it?  Could it be Alma?  The middle name is it Horegesog or Horegesag or Horegesoy or Horegerog?  Bloom now that is simple..and she was Mother’s Sister. Any input is appreciated!

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photo Number 286

Postcard Woman and Girl BVA

This is a Real Photo Postcard a Cyko brand postcard from 1904 to 1920.  A Mother and her daughter..that would be my best guess, I also think that there is a cat or dog in the grass between them.  The little girl has a real “Little House on the Prairie” look going on with the dress and the ribbons in her hair.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Photo Number 285

Rairoad Studio  Solway Antiques This is a Cabinet Card that I purchased at an antique shop in Solway, Minnesota. It is probably from around 1890. Traveling photographers sometimes set up shop in a Railroad car travelling from town to town taking photos. Undercutting the prices of local photographers.  The more I read about photography in it’s early days, the more I shake my head, some travelled by bicycle and slept in tents, some by horse and wagon ( really hard on the equipment) and some even had special cars that could be on train track or horse drawn.
Railroad Studio Solway Antiques TwoThis is the back of the cabinet card, Gage Holloway Died 1968 Mar.  Is this Gage in the photo?  I did a quick search the other day and came up empty handed. We may never know.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again.  Just a reminder, if you feel that one of your relatives is in one of these photos please email me and I will return the photo to you:) 
Update: From Iggy!  Thanks! 
Name: Gage T Holloway 
Age: 31 in 1920 census
Estimated birth year: abt 1889 

Name: Gage T Holloway 
Spouse: Crecy B 
Birth: abt 1889
Residence: 1920 - city, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska 
Death: dd mm 1968 - city, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, United States of America

Monday, August 16, 2010

Photo Number 284

BVA At Annas copyThis is a Real Photo Postcard, an AZO with triangles in the corners where the stamp goes so this one dates from 1904 to 1918. This is quite a bunch of women with only two gentlemen in attendance.  I wonder what the occasion was? 
BVA At Annas two
I never go back on my promises do I? This was taken out at Anna’s two weeks ago, swell looking bunch isn’t it. Edna.  It is addressed to Elsie Kreisel of Dawson, Minn. 
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Update :Info from Iggy:

Name: Elsie M Kreisel
Birth: abt 1898
Residence: 1920 - Steele, Minnesota

And about the gathering Larry suggests it could be a ladies group like the Eastern Star. 
Iggy thinks it is a Ladies Aid Group..either is possible. Thanks guys for your input! 

Most Norwegian-American Lutheran churches had Ladies Aid Societies. Textile production was an important part of Ladies Aid, and was, in fact, the reason some of the first women’s organizations formed.

They often sewed quilts and knitted goods and held raffles for fundraisers.

Aid was a place for adults and children to learn and practice quiltmaking, to socialize, practice the English language, try American food, p reserve Norwegian language and food, and fundraise. Ladies Aid quilts are perhaps best known as being signature quilts.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photo Number 283

Postcard Dear Sister BVA

This is a Real Photo Postcard from 1904 to 1918.  I got some lovely real photo postcards and photos from a small shop over by Hackensack one day.  Bonny View Antiques..well worth the trip to stop by there..she was a very friendly lady!

Postcard Dear sister two

This is what I think it says.

Dear Sister Minnie?

Just a line to let you now how we are I am feeling fine at present. I was over to ----- yesterday--------she --------------------- went home sick Hope he is better now get Dr Holdridge and then he wont die. We had a snow storm last night and this morning the ground is all white. Love to all ans soon.

Interesting..I saw one of these dressing stools..or what ever you call what the gentleman is sitting in at a sale the other day, goodness knows I have enough old furniture..but I found it an interesting piece of furniture. I did NOT buy it, now if it had been a rocking chair that would have been a different story. 

Thanks for stopping by, do come again.  I still have more Farm photos,  I will let them go to seed for now..it was a fun couple of weeks:) 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photo Number 282

Kid on pony

I purchased this photo at a local garage sale, I wonder if this child got a new pony or if a photographer came through town with a pony all decked out and took photographs of kids on his pony.   Note the child has no shoes on.  The building in the background is covered in a very familiar tar paper design.

Tar paper was used as a covering on some buildings and homes.  At my house when I was a child we had an entrance to our basement on the outside of the house and it was covered in this same tar paper. Tar paper kept the moisture off of the wood and kept a building from rotting away.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Photo Number 281

1930 Homestead  Beresford SD
This photo was marked Beresford, South Dakota our homestead 1930.   There are three buildings and a wagon.
1930 Homestead  Beresford SD
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)
Update: Judy and Jingle Bob both identified the wagon as a sheep wagon.   Thanks ! 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Photo Number 280

Lincoln nebraska area

Two young men showing off their ponies.  I see a chicken coop in the background on the left, but I am not sure what the building on the right is..it may be a grainery with an attached equipment shed/lean to. This photo was developed in a photo shop in Lincoln, Nebraska so I am guessing it is a farm in that area probably during the 1920-1930’s.

Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photo Number 279

Cattle and Man and Dog
A farmer with his cattle and his cattle dog. These might be beef cattle, they certainly are not Purebred Herefords.  I bet you all are relieved that I am finally past the grain harvest photos!   I have about another week of farm photos and then we will go onto something else.  Iggy commented that there has been very little in the backgrounds of these photos, that holds true for many of the prairie areas of Minnesota and North Dakota..there are only trees near the farmsteads.  This farm has a small hill where the horse is grazing…and a pond for a watering hole. 
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photo Number 278

Man in hat shock of grain

Today we have a gentleman who probably came out from town or stopped by after a doings to pose for this picture in the grain field.  I am not sure how much working in the field this man does.  Short sleeves and tie and all.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Photo Number 277

Shock of grain
Two farmers very proud of their shocks of grain.  This country looks like North Dakota or parts of the Red River Valley area of Minnesota.  These men are dressed for work in the fields, in most all of the photos that I have looked at men are wearing long sleeves and overalls.  My father and his brothers all dressed very similar to these men.  Tomorrow I do have a photo of a guy dressed differently standing in a field.  This photo could have been taken anywhere from the 1920’s to the 1950’s.
This is my first post using Windows Live Writer..I think it looks pretty good. Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Photo Number 276

August 1923.  This is the only harvest photo that is marked with a date.   I believe these men are carrying sheaves of grain and stacking them up into shocks that will eventually be loaded onto a wagon to await the threshing machine.    A sheave or sheaf of grain is a bundle that can be carried under one arm.
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photo Number 275

These men may be part of a threshing crew, there are shocks of grain in the background. It looks to me like they used teams of horses, and both the men and the horses are taking a break.

My Mother used to cook and bake for days before the Threshing crew would show up. I remember the excitement of the crew pulling into the yard, it was going to be a busy day, with a huge meal at noon, with all kind of wonderful pies and cakes for desert.  As a child with a sweet tooth..I enjoyed those days.  In our area of Minnesota the neighbors would get together and thrash grain as a group going from farm to farm until it was all done.
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Photo Number 274

This is some kind of small grain field. It looks like there are shocks of grain.
This is a Threshing machine, or Thrashing machine.  The wagon bringing in sheaves of grain is horse drawn.
 Thresh = to toss about; thrash. To beat out grain from it's husk.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Photo Number 273

Four guys on an old wooden wagon,  I wonder what they were doing..hauling rocks?  This does not look like Minnesota.  The trail looks just wide enough for the wagon.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photo Number 272

I showed this photo to my Dad.  He said "That is some rickety old hay wagon, nothing about that wagon is right."  I guess he was talking about the boards that should have been going horizontal.  When I bought this photo, the gentleman that had them was charging double for any photos of horses or cars..this one was a double, fifty cents instead of a quarter because of the horses tail...so be sure to look at it!
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Photo Number 271

I think this is a hay wagon and a hay loader. There are three men in this photo.  Although the photo is a little blurry, the team of  horses are wearing fly nets.  Up here when the flies were bad, you attached the nets to the hames, the nets with their dangling strings  helped to keep the biting flies at bay especially when the horses were moving.

 I wish the rider on the horse was not in the way.. I wanted a closer look at the hay loader in action.  There are many of these hay loaders sitting like old dinosaurs in some of the old fence lines. One of our neighbors has one sitting at the end of their driveway, she has vines trying to grow up it.  I remember when my Dad made loose hay..before balers.  But he had a tractor.  I remember getting the slings positioned just right on the wagon was a big deal.  I can still see huge bunches of hay disappearing into the haymow.
This photo is not marked with a date..maybe it is from the 1930's.
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Photo Number 270

This is Emil and his team.  A good team of work horses was very important to a farmer.  I think this photo was probably taken in the 1940's sometime.

 My grandfather kept his team of  "work" horses well into the 1950's, they were his best friends, he took care of them before he took care of himself at the end of a hard day of work in the fields.
I happened upon some horse and some farming photos..since I was raised on a farm in Minnesota..these photographs are all very interesting to me...so we will have a week or so of these old photos.
Thanks for stopping by, do come again:)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Photo Number 269

This real photo postcard is in pretty bad shape.  However I thought it was interesting enough to purchase.  I find foreign languages to be a mystery.  Can anyone read this card?  I had my Dad look at this car he thought it was an Overland..but I think it is foreign because the steering wheel is on the right.  I like the ladies hats..do you suppose that this vehicle was a prop in the photographers studio? 

Thanks for stopping by, do come again! :)
From Crex: The postcard is sent by one of the women in the picture. She has been sick. The man is her son, I think.
From Iggy: A very rough translation would be:

Here, I send ugly ghosts of me and my boy and Marie Darb to you.

We went by train(?) from Wonderland for a while ago. I was ill the summer so I'm so "daurlig" out there, but now is am a little better hope I get care fresh now. They were bad you do not like you really good when Johan? For sometimes falls always wings(?)

Update Nov 22, 2010 From Jo!:
I guess norwegian ;)

Here, I send a ugly ghosts of me and my boy and Marie Darb to you

we took this (picture) in Wonderland a while ago.
I was sick this summer, so I look bad in it. I have now recovered, hope i can stay well now.
its a shame that you dont like it (there), Johan.
Because time always seems longer.(goes slower)

 And another update November 24, 2010 !!  Thanks Jo! 

Marie Elisabet Darbu born 15.09.85 emigrated to New york from Christiania (Oslo) with the ship (Hellig Olav) in 1907.
home town was Fiskum.
registered as un-married.
purpose for travel was to make money.

Update: This photo is Full Circle 18 on December 27, 2010